Cities and countries

Ratings of countries, cities and regions of Russia and the world. The richest and poorest countries, the world's most expensive and cheapest cities, the most successful and lagging regions. Specialized collections and official ratings.


Where to go by sea without a visa in 2019: 10 countries

What's the nicest time of the year? "Vacation" - I will answer. And you need to use it, so short-term, to the maximum. So that the warm sea and the bright sun ...

10 most fabulous cities in the world

Some cities in the world look like they came from the pages of a collection of fairy tales or a catalog of children's toys. Until then, they are beautiful, clean, graceful. And if you...

10 most overrated cities in Europe

Many European cities are examples of cleanliness and neatness. They are famous for their cultural sites and sights, developed infrastructure and attractions. However, it so happens that you come ...

Rating of countries by the level of development of information and communication technologies (ICT)

According to statistics, by the end of 2018, more than half (51.2%) of the entire population of the Earth regularly hung up on the World Wide Web. And in developed countries, four of ...

Ranking of countries in the world by level of education, Education Index

In just a couple of decades, the countries of the world will be ruled by modern youth. Their thoughts and actions will depend on what they know and can do. Therefore...

Most Prosperous Countries in the World 2019, Legatum Prosperity Index

Life, as they say, is good. And living in a prosperous country is even better. And experts at the London-based think tank Legatium Institute know for sure that ...

Crime rate in the countries of the world, ranking 2019

High crime rates are the scourge of the modern world. Traveling to some countries like Venezuela and Honduras can be extremely dangerous due to the large number of organized ...

The happiest countries in the world 2019, a complete list

Every year, on International Day of Happiness (March 20), one of the UN departments publishes the World Happiness Report - the World Happiness Report, which includes the happiest ...

10 inexpensive Russian cities for holidays in spring 2019

Short trips of 1-3 days to different cities are becoming more and more popular in Russia and abroad. In the West, they even came up with a special ...

10 countries closest to default

Many countries in the world live in permanent crisis. So, the Russian government regularly asks citizens to tighten their belts, and some are already gloomily joking that these belts ...

Countries with the healthiest residents, Bloomberg 2019 ranking

Experts from the Bloomberg media agency named the countries with the healthiest inhabitants. The nations were ranked according to a variety of criteria, including life expectancy, infant mortality rates, causes ...

Living standards in the countries of the world, 2019 ranking

To find out which countries can be considered the best in terms of living standards in 2019, we turned to the Numbeo website, which publishes a rating of living standards every year ...

Rating of Russian regions by living standards 2019

According to statistics, every year in Russia, about 3% of the population move to a new place of residence. It would seem that the figure is small. However, considering that with the change ...

Rating of Russian cities in terms of living standards 2019

Russia is great and spacious - there are 163 cities with a population of more than 100 thousand people.Someone is happy with their city, and someone dreams of leaving somewhere ...

Rating of world economies 2019, table of GDP of countries

When it comes to the world's leading national economies, the top ten players are usually the same, although their number on the list ...

10 largest economies in the world by 2030

A decade from now, the world's largest economic centers will look very different than they do today. China will dominate the world, India will overtake the United States, and ...

The rating of trust in public institutions in the countries of the world 2019

Who do people trust in an era of unprecedented mistrust of authority and skepticism of information in the media? It is this aspect of society that the independent firm Edelman is exploring ....

Most Innovative Countries in the World 2019, Bloomberg Ranking

Leading Asian countries are famous not only for their ancient culture and special architecture. They have something in common, which is receiving increased attention from governments ...

Ranking of countries in terms of mortality due to malnutrition

The incessant "belt-tightening" makes its own adjustments not only to the purchasing possibilities of Russians, but also to their eating habits. You have to buy not what you want, ...

Bloomberg's Top 10 Destinations of 2019

When winter is in full swing, it's nice to dream of warm countries and start planning your vacation for body and soul. So the editors of Bloomberg have already ...

2019 World Passport Ranking: Henley Passport Index Table

A passport is a man's friend. Without it, you will not receive the necessary certificate, you will not receive and send the parcel, and you will not make another thousand and one needed ...

13 best resorts in Turkey

Few countries are as close to Russian hearts as Turkey. Last year, the best resorts in Turkey were chosen by almost two million residents of the Russian Federation. They attract our compatriots ...

2019 Global Threats Rankings, Bloomberg

The Bloomberg agency gave its readers a real "nightmare before Christmas". It compiled a rating of global threats in 2019. Not the most New Year's theme, frankly, but, how ...

Top 5 best tech hubs in the world: a paradise for IT pros and real estate investors

The American analytical portal Expert Market has published a list of cities in the world that are considered the best for the life and work of IT specialists. Portal analysts analyzed the average level ...
Global Peace Index 2018

10 safest countries in the world to live

Every traveler thinks about his safety when planning a trip abroad. How many tourists prefer to visit unstable, conflict zones or war-torn countries? A little if u ...
Russia in the world

Russia's place in world rankings 2018: results of the year

The New Year 2019 is approaching, and it's time to sum up the results of the year 2018 - both personal and socio-political. Traditionally, publishes ratings, thanks to which ...

The strangest bans in the world

In some cities and countries of the world, there are many strange and even ridiculous bans. For example, in the state of Iowa (USA), a person with a mustache is prohibited from kissing in public ...

Rating of countries of refuge in the event of World War III

While Ukraine is introducing martial law in connection with the incident in the Kerch Strait, the world is wondering: what will happen now? Will it come to open military ...

10 dirtiest cities in Europe in 2018

Pollution is one of the most dangerous problems facing the world today. Water pollution causes skin diseases, poisoning and a number of other problems. Air pollution...

10 strongest armies in Europe according to Global Firepower

NATO and partners have chosen November 2018 for saber rattling - Norway is hosting the largest military exercise since the Cold War. Russia, of course, does not ...

Editor's Choice


