Cities and countries

Ratings of countries, cities and regions of Russia and the world. The richest and poorest countries, the world's most expensive and cheapest cities, the most successful and lagging regions. Specialized collections and official ratings.

Top 7 countries with the most delicious street food

Summer is the time for vacations and travel. What does a tourist usually do after arriving in another country? Lazing on the beach or by the hotel pool, visiting ...

Ranking of the best countries in the world 2016 (Top 10 + Infographics)

The Good Index Country organization has published an annual ranking of the best countries in the world. A good country, according to the authors of the study, is one that successfully acts for the benefit of humanity ....

The most friendly countries to Russia

Emperor Alexander III said that Russia has only two reliable friends: her army and navy. However, Russians do not lose faith in the friendship between ...

The most-most countries in the world

Do you want to know which countries in the world are the "best" in terms of various indicators? We will gladly satisfy your curiosity. Today we present a list of the top 10, which includes the best ...

Rating of countries by quality and speed of the Internet

The International Telecommunication Union has conducted extensive research on communications in various countries, including the Internet. The quality of Internet services was assessed according to 11 different parameters, such ...

The most popular cities in Russia among foreign tourists

In September 2015, the Internet resource, which provides booking services in all countries of the world, published another report Hotel Price Index, which analyzes in detail the number of ...

The most dictatorial countries in the world, 2015 ranking

Dictatorship means a significant decrease or complete absence of political and civil liberties in the country due to the concentration of power in the hands of one person or ...

Rating of countries by the volume of public debt (Standard & Poor's)

Monarchies hold 40% of the world's sovereign debt, according to Standard & Poor's, one of the three most influential rating agencies. At the same time, the agency focuses on ...

Ranking of the most technologically advanced countries

Many countries around the world are using scientific and technological inventions to improve the quality of life of their citizens. We present you a rating of countries that are leading in terms of the number of embodied ...

The most aggressive countries in the world, 2015 ranking

Experts from the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP) compiled a rating in which 162 states were assessed according to 23 criteria. Among them: terrorist activity, participation of the country in ...

Most Peaceful Countries, 2015 Ranking

The Independent Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP) has compiled a rating of the most peaceful and safe countries for life. It includes 162 states, covering 99.6% of the world population ....

Top 5 warm countries with cheap real estate

The modern real estate market is simply replete with luxury apartments and villas in the most popular resorts. However, not everyone can afford this luxury. However, a number of cities ...
Cow gas tax

The strangest taxes in the world (Top 10)

The American Forbes magazine has published a list of countries that practice incredible and weirdest taxes. Want to know which ones are at the top of this weird world rankings? ...

Top 5 countries of the velvet season, holidays on the Cote d'Azur

Summer has already ended, and you have not allocated time for vacation. There is no reason to be sad, because there is time to prepare for a meeting at ...

Top 5 sweetest countries in the world

Now there are many interesting countries that need to be visited for some reason. Somewhere there are very beautiful landscapes, in some states you can taste excellent dishes. We...

The most mushroom places and countries on the planet

Autumn is a great time to pick mushrooms. Therefore, all over the world, experienced and novice mushroom pickers go hunting for boletus, mushrooms, white, chanterelles and ...

Most Reading Countries in the World

According to the World Culture Score Index, most book lovers live in Asia. Russia is located closer to the end of the ranking. The average Russian for ...

The best country to live or residence permit in Austria

A foreign citizen and his family, from Russia or other CIS countries, have the opportunity to immigrate to Austria, which is the only state that provides the possibility of legal acquisition ...

Ranking of countries by quality and availability of food

Oxfam, the International Committee for Hunger Assistance, publishes a ranking of countries by the quality and availability of food annually. According to the results of 2013, Russia took in this rating ...

Top 10 countries with the shortest vacation

The record holder for the length of annual paid leave is Germany. The Germans take rest days of the year. Well, in most countries of the Eurozone, the duration of paid leave is 30 ...

Country ranking by road quality

Experts of the World Economic Forum drove along the roads of 144 countries of the world to choose the best ones. Unfortunately, out of 144 possible places, Russia took in the final list ...

Ranking of countries by number of migrants

According to a report by the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, about 3.2% of the world's population live outside their homeland. And this, neither more nor less, ...

Ranking of countries in the world by oil production

Even a child is familiar with the term "black gold" today. Possession of high oil reserves and delivered oil production has allowed many countries to literally step out of poverty into a new ...

Top 10 countries for fall holidays 2013

A fall vacation has many benefits. The popular resorts are getting less crowded, beach lovers will be able to rejoice at the beginning of the velvet season, and fans of excursion programs ...

Most Peaceful Countries 2013

In 2013, Russia ranked 155th out of 162 in terms of the Global Peace Index. Experts point out that such a deplorable figure is adding up to ...

Top 10 countries with the highest pensions

As of the beginning of April of this year, the average labor pension in Russia amounted to 10.4 thousand rubles. That's about 38% of the average wage ....

Ranking of countries by the level of use of pirated content

Most recently, on June 21, the State Duma approved the so-called anti-piracy bill on the Internet in the third reading, which caused a wave of the most controversial opinions. Law...

Top 10 countries with the highest fines for traffic violations

Russian fines for traffic violations are getting higher, and yet they remain quite loyal in comparison with other countries of the world. The most severe in ...

The hottest countries in the world

Anyone who considers the Russian summer to be hot should imagine what it is like for the inhabitants of Qatar with a heat of + 50 ° C. Meanwhile, such a weather in ...

Ranking of countries in the world in terms of gender equality

Every year, experts from the analytical group of the World Economic Forum make a rating of countries in the world in terms of gender equality. To determine how much women and men are equal in their ...

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