home Cities and countries The strangest taxes in the world (Top 10)

The strangest taxes in the world (Top 10)

The American Forbes magazine has published a list of countries that practice incredible and weirdest taxes. Want to know which ones are at the top of this weird world rankings? Sit back, then, because reading this list will make you more than smile.

Gypsum Tax (Australia)

1b0trakkThe first line of the ranking is occupied by Austria, where the tax levies on gypsum from athletes-skiers go to local medical institutions.

Peace Tax (Guinea)

0zle3o1fGuinea is in second place. The so-called peace tax is especially popular there. It is noteworthy that there are no military conflicts in the country.

Cow Gas Tax (Estonia)

o4vu1bevThe third position is occupied by Estonia, where residents pay a tax for the emission of natural gases by cows. The law, which appeared here more than six years ago, made the population laugh. However, the officials considered it necessary, since these artiodactyls are the main living creatures there, polluting the air.

Sun tax (Belear Islands)

wnsfi5orThe fourth place belongs to the Belear Islands, famous for their tax collection in the sun. All guests of the resort islands were obliged to pay a daily fee of one euro.

Barbecue Tax (Belgium)

oeixrbbsFifth on the Forbes list are Belgians who pay taxes on barbecue. Ecologists consider such a fee to be appropriate, and the government of the country strictly monitors compliance with the law.

Disposable Sticks Tax (China)

nzcmm02hThe sixth position is occupied by the Celestial Empire, whose residents pay taxes on disposable sticks in the amount of five percent from a pair. So the Chinese decided to fight deforestation and minimize it.

Piercing Tax (Arkansas, USA)

wddgapnnThe seventh place belongs to the American state of Arkansas, in which everyone who wants to get tattoos is asked to pay a piercing tax. The cost of tattoo parlor clients is about six percent of the total cost of the service.

Shadow Tax (Venice)

lefyqujcShadow Tax exists in fabulous Venice. Visitors to cafeterias and even restaurants are presented with a certain amount for payment if the recreation areas are equipped with sun shades. A similar law allowed the Italian city to be on the eighth line.

Unofficial marriage fee (China)

1l1skkaiThe penultimate place went to China again. Additional expenses a man and a woman are required to make in the event of an unofficial marriage between them, which amount to about one hundred and twenty euros every year.

Drug Tax (Tennessee, USA)

q1jblfv2At the bottom is the state of Tennessee, where people who distribute psychotropic drugs pay premiums for those drugs. The official paper on the payment of taxes, which is in their hands, is a guarantee of milder penalties in court.

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