home Cities and countries The most dictatorial countries in the world, 2015 ranking

The most dictatorial countries in the world, 2015 ranking

Dictatorship means a significant decrease or complete absence of political and civil freedoms in the country due to the concentration of power in the hands of one person or group of persons. And the very word "dictator" has become synonymous with gross violations of human rights and brutality.

Introducing you the most dictatorial countries in the world... The rating is based on data from the entertainment site Hubpages.

5. Zimbabwe

Robert MugabeOpens a rating of modern states with the most brutal dictatorial regime. After the successful start of the anti-colonial liberation war, Robert Mugabe was elected the first president of the independent republic of Zimbabwe, but over the years he increasingly emphasized his dictatorial tendencies. The Mugabe government has been criticized both domestically and internationally for torturing and killing 70,000 people, 70% unemployment and 500% inflation. His regime is permeated with violence and intolerance. In Zimbabwe, laws against homosexuals were passed, and a "black redistribution" was carried out - the forcible seizure of land from white citizens with the transfer of their farms to landless peasants and war veterans.

4. Equatorial Guinea

Teodoro Obiang Nguema MbasogoAmong the most dictatorial countries in the world is a tiny state in West Africa ruled by Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo. Equatorial Guinea, with its 500,000 inhabitants, was not of interest to the world until in 1991 huge oil reserves were discovered offshore in its territorial waters. However, 60% of the residents of Guinea are neither cold nor hot because of this, they live on $ 1 a day. And Teodoro Obiang puts most of the oil profits into his bank account. The dictator said that there is no poverty in his country, just the population is used to living differently. Guinea has no public transport or newspapers, and only 1% of government spending is spent on health care.

3. Saudi Arabia

Salman ibn Abdul-AzizSaudi Arabia is one of the few countries in the world where for many decades even a formal election of a ruler has never been held. King of Saudi Arabia Salman ibn Abdulaziz since 2015. Unmarried adult women cannot travel, work, or receive medical procedures without the permission of a male close relative. They are not even allowed to drive a car.

The kingdom uses the death penalty, torture and extrajudicial arrest. The morality police even forbid the sale of Barbies, as this doll is a symbol of the decline and depravity of the West.

2. North Korea

Kim Chen InThe second most brutal dictator in the world is Kim Jong-un, the son of Kim Jong-il. He became the dictator of North Korea in 2011, the day after his father's death. The brilliant comrade (one of the official titles of the North Korean leader) was originally supposed to rule the country along with his uncle Chan Sung Taek. However, in December 2013, the uncle was charged with high treason and executed.

It is believed that the country has 150,000 people involved in forced labor in camps set up to punish alleged political dissidents and their families, as well as citizens who fled the country to China but were extradited by the Chinese government.

1. Sudan

Omar Hassan Ahmad al-BashirIn first place in the top 5 most dictatorial countries in the world 2015 is the largest African state. It is headed by President Omar Hassan Ahmad al-Bashir. He came to power after a military coup, and immediately suspended the constitution, abolished the Legislative Assembly, and banned political parties and trade unions. The dictator has always insisted that the life of the people should be governed by Sharia law, even in South Sudan, with its predominantly Christian population.

Omar Hassan Ahmad al-Bashir is notorious for organizing the massacres of blacks during the conflict in Darfur. More than 2.7 million people have become refugees due to the civil war in South Sudan between black and Arab populations. In 2009, the International Criminal Court for the first time in its history issued an arrest warrant for the current head of state. To this al-Bashir, accused of crimes against humanity and atrocities of war, replied that those who issued this order could eat it.


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