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Top 7 amazing surprises in space

Humanity has recently begun to explore outer space and its secrets will not be revealed very soon. But scientists already know something. Here top 7 amazing things and phenomena that have been discovered in space.

7. Alcohol

irpx5xahSeveral giant clouds of alcohol have been found in the Milky Way region. In addition to their old friend ethanol, the scientists discovered large clouds of methyl alcohol and vinyl alcohol.

These clouds are too far away for anything fun to be done with them. However, their existence is of great interest to scientists and not for the reasons that alcohol lovers might think. Alcohol is an organic compound and carries the basic materials needed to sustain life. Finding these molecules around regions where stars have recently formed will reveal more about how our world was created and how life came into it.

6. Tiny art museum

ytyznnqwIn 1969, during a top-secret mission for Forrest Myers, which operated without NASA permission, the work of Andy Warhol and five other artists on a 1.9 cm ceramic plate? 1.3 cm were sent to the moon. This is how the first and only extraterrestrial art museum was created.

It is alleged that the plate was secretly attached to the leg of the Lunar Lander and left on the Moon as a result of the Apollo 12 expedition. But it is only possible to prove that the plate is actually on the Moon if a special space mission is sent there.

5. Death Star

u43frwleNASA's Kepler telescope recently discovered a white dwarf star in the constellation Virgo, tearing apart its own planet, though not as spectacularly as in Star Wars. The dwarf gradually destroys the planet revolving around it under the influence of gravity. The final destruction will occur within the next million years.

4. Oort cloud

52jobmjcAt first glance, there is nothing special about the Oort cloud. This large section of the solar system occasionally ejects a comet, giving us space shows like Halley's comet.

So what's the catch? Scientists are not sure if the Oort cloud exists at all. But it is their only plausible explanation for the appearance of comets that appear out of nowhere, appear at strange time intervals, and move in unusual orbits.

3. Lightning

vdyd1levTwo billion light years from Earth, the ghost of Nikola Tesla puts on a show with lightning. In the center of the galaxy, the strongest electric current in the entire history of space observations was recorded - 10 ^ 18 amperes or a trillion lightning. Lightning strikes usually appear near black holes, where magnetic fields create large electrical charges.

This particular storm likely originated from a particularly massive black hole.

2. Urine

5p1uajpcYou may have wondered: How do astronauts pee in space? NASA scientists have spent a lot of time discussing this issue. The answer was a $ 50,000 toilet, complete with an airlock that dumps urine into outer space. While the newer models use high-tech filtration systems that convert urine into drinking water, most older systems simply throw urine overboard.

Apollo 17 commander Eugene Cernan called the sight of urine droplets turning into ice one of the most amazing experiences of his flight.

1. Life on Titan

nn3omri5Ranked # 1 for Space Surprises: NASA has found promising signs of life in the cold oceans of Saturn's largest moon, Titan. They are not made of water, but ethane and methane, which liquefy at extremely low temperatures. The organisms in these methane-filled "waters" will be similar to those on Earth (composed of cells, with a respiratory system), but instead of oxygen-based cells, these organisms will have methane-based cells. Experiments have shown that such cells can exist in extreme conditions on Titan. This study, in addition to showing that Titan's atmosphere is chemically active, dense and rich in organic compounds, is one of the most promising prerequisites for the search for life on Titan.

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