home Ratings Top 5 Most Dangerous Sports Exercise

Top 5 Most Dangerous Sports Exercise

Physical activity is the key to good health. Therefore, people who regularly devote time to exercise at home or in the gym are certainly doing the right thing. However, professional instructors often warn that certain exercises can cause significant harm to health, especially if the technique is violated.

Today we propose to explore Top 5 Most Dangerous Sports Exercise... If you have problems with joints and ligaments, as well as in the absence of experience, it is advisable to choose a safer alternative to them.

5. Low squats

imageSquats really effective exercises for the buttocks at home... However, bending the knees at an angle sharper than 90 degrees puts our joints at risk. Professionals say that getting a pinched meniscus and poor circulation during squats is as easy as shelling pears. Therefore, you need to perform squats observing the rules: the pelvis should remain above the knee, the exercise should be done slowly, and the legs should be kept parallel.

4. Extension of the legs on the simulator

imageThis popular exercise is aimed at developing the quadriceps (muscles in the front of the thigh), but such movements are absolutely unnatural for a person, because when walking, the legs move in a completely different way. Extending the lower legs from a sitting position with a weight, we risk overloading the tendons and ligaments surrounding the patella. A safer and equally effective option is to do shallow squats on one leg.

3. Deadlift

imageWhen performing the exercise, dumbbells or a barbell are held in the center in a standing position, while the arms are close to each other. By lifting weights to the chin, we risk getting a pinched nerve in the shoulder area. An alternative would be to perform a deadlift with a 90 degree forward bend. The weight is held with arms spread slightly wider than the shoulders, and then lifted until the shoulders and elbows are in one straight line.

2. Abduction of the thigh on the simulator

imageA popular but dangerous sports exercise to strengthen the gluteus muscles can result in back or hip injury, especially in women. It is imperative not to put too much weight on the machine. Ankle-strapped lunges can be a sensible alternative to risky exercise.

1. "Butterfly" (mixing hands on the simulator)

imageFew people perform this exercise, observing the correct technique. During training, the shoulder joint is under excessive stress, which can turn into regular pain over time. In addition, it is very difficult to pump the middle of the chest with a butterfly. Professionals recommend replacing this hazardous exercise for breeding dumbbells while lying down. It is important that the weight is always adequate to the level of physical fitness.

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