home Medicine Top 10 Ways to Overcome Depression

Top 10 Ways to Overcome Depression

Depression is a real scourge for the psyche of a modern person. Doctors have long recognized that this disease affects about 10% of the world's population. As a rule, we are embarrassed to go to the doctor with complaints of depression, therefore, we prefer to deal with the insidious misfortune on our own.

RBC analysts. Rating conducted a survey among 4,338 respondents and, summarizing its results, made Top 10 Ways to Overcome Depression... It is noteworthy that 13.5% of those surveyed said that they had never encountered such a disease.

10. Antidepressants are taken by less than 2% of respondents

imageWhich, in general, is commendable, given the fact that only a doctor should prescribe such drugs. True, in severe forms of depression, it is drug treatment that is most effective.

9. Reading is a good way to overcome depression, according to 2.1% of respondents

imageIn an attempt to distract themselves from reality, men often prefer literature in the genre of science fiction, and women often absorb romance novels for this purpose.

8. Shopping in the overwhelming majority of cases is a female way of dealing with depression (3% of respondents)

image And it really helps. Just do not forget that doctors are increasingly diagnosing a disease such as shopaholism.

7. Music is a salvation for 4.6% of respondents

imageHere, the tastes of the audience differ: it is easier for someone to be distracted by heavy rock, while someone rests their souls only under Mozart. For those who prefer the classics, doctors recommend Vivaldi and Brahms. But some of the works of Strauss and Chopin can cause weakness and apathy.

6) sound sleep is a great way to fight depression for 4.8% of respondents

imageThe psyche of some people has such a feature that in a state of stress, there is a desire to lie down and have a good rest, while others cannot find ways to overcome insomnia. In a dream, our brain recovers and sometimes finds an excellent way out of this situation.

5. Meeting friends is an equally popular antidepressant among men and women

image Due to the low popularity of psychologists, Russians are more likely to share their problems with friends. This method is preferred by 8.5% of the respondents.

4. Sports are a great way to relieve stress

imageDuring active sports, the level of endorphins, the hormones of joy, rises in the blood. This method of dealing with depression finds the most positive responses from doctors and 9.3% of respondents.

3. A change of scenery, going out into nature is preferred by slightly more than 10% of Russians

imageTrue, in Russia such therapy is often combined with the intake of alcohol, which occupies the second line of the Top 10. By the way, it is known that ardent travelers practically do not suffer from mental disorders.

2.Alcohol is a method that requires a careful approach, which is preferred by 13.6% of respondents

imageDoctors recognize that alcohol in moderation can actually help relieve stress. But alcohol abuse only worsens the condition, leading a person into a truly depressing state.

1 sex - the best way to overcome depression for 22.2% of Russians

imageDoctors fully support the adherents of this method if sex takes place with a loved one. During intimacy, the body releases a whole cocktail of hormones that are responsible for good spirits and well-being.

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