home Medicine Top 10 Ways to Get Rid of Insomnia

Top 10 Ways to Get Rid of Insomnia

Insomnia or insomnia refers to insufficient sleep duration or poor quality. This condition can occur due to overwork, illness, loud noise, change of time zone, and a host of other reasons.

If you often wake up in the middle of the night, get up in the morning feeling tired, walk like a "sleepy fly" all day, and have already begun to find differences in the faces of sheep, which you count 10 times, then insomnia has not spared you.

Here 10 ways to get rid of insomnia.

10. Move your fingers

It sounds simple (and a little silly), but wiggling your toes while lying in bed helps the body relax. Do this until you feel sleepy.

9. Wait for the right moment

Sleep only when you feel tired. If you've been in bed for more than 30 minutes and still haven't fallen asleep, get up and do something boring until you feel sleepy. Do not watch TV, do not make a night out, as this will send your unconscious the wrong message about the reward for insomnia.

8. Make a to-do list for tomorrow

Many people go to bed thinking about what to do tomorrow. So get out of this habit and take a brain dump before bed. Spend 10 minutes writing down what's on your mind or making a to-do list for tomorrow.

7. A little noise won't hurt

Wait a second ... The bedroom should be quiet, shouldn't it? So and not so. The darker and quieter the room, the deeper you will sleep. But adding "white noise" in the background can really help you sleep. These monotonous quiet sounds will block out other, more disturbing sounds that might wake you up. Plus, when you sleep, you'll be less likely to wake up to other noises. The source of "white noise" at night can be a fan, relaxing music, or sounds from nature (for example, rain, wind, waterfall).

6. Less caffeine

Cut back on stimulants such as alcohol and caffeine in tea or coffee, especially in the evening. Stimulants interfere with falling asleep and prevent the onset of deep sleep. The effects of caffeine can last for a long time (up to 24 hours), so the chances of it having an effect on sleep are significant.

5. Don't eat densely before bed.

The habit of having a late dinner not only activates the digestive system, but also postpones sleep, since instead of the expected relaxation, the body spends energy on digesting food. If you suffer from gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) or heartburn, having an evening snack may worsen your symptoms. And do not drink a lot of liquid for the coming sleep, otherwise the bladder will remind of itself in the middle of a beautiful dream.

4. Do not nap during the day

An afternoon nap knocks down your body clock and makes it longer and more difficult to fall asleep at night.

3. Get exercise

Yoga, Pilates and Tai Chi help to calm the body and mind and are among the top 3 ways to improve sleep without medication.Just make sure there is a three hour gap between exercise and sleep, this will give your body enough time to relax.

2. Turn off the TV

"Now I will turn off the TV (computer, smartphone, substitute the necessary one) and go to sleep" - you think. However, the bright light coming from the screen does not calm the brain; on the contrary, it stimulates it to work. This negatively affects the production of the sleep hormone, melatonin. In addition, the irresistible desire at 1 am to find out if the penguin has knees, to watch a horror movie or to update the news page clogs his head with information garbage. Give your brain a break, turn off your gadgets an hour before bed.

1. Drink a glass of warm milk

Warm milk tops the list of effective remedies for insomnia. It has a calming effect on the body due to its content of an amino acid called tryptophan. Melatonin is formed from tryptophan. Hate warm milk? Add a drop or two of vanilla extract to it. And this is also not enthusiastic? Try chamomile tea.

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