home Medicine Top 10 most stressful jobs of 2016

Top 10 most stressful jobs of 2016

Everyone who receives a salary is paid for it with a certain level of stress, both physical and psychological. To determine most stressful professionsJob search site CareerCast ranked 200 occupations according to 11 stress factors.

Among them:

  • business trips;
  • terms of performance of work;
  • the attitude of other people to the profession;
  • physical exercise;
  • competitiveness;
  • environmental conditions;
  • potential hazards;
  • risk to your own life or the lives of others;
  • potential for job growth;
  • interaction with clients;
  • interaction with the public.

Here's what the top 10 most stressful jobs of 2016 look like.

10. Taxi driver

qawkj5eiBeing a taxi driver means dealing with all sorts of frustrations, including rude, drunk (or both) customers and spending hours driving in conditions that are far from comfortable. And many more clients strive to escape without paying.

9. Newspaper reporter

4vchqlrqReporter stress comes from frequent deadlines, interviews with strangers, and the opportunity to travel to life-threatening locations. Nevertheless, many journalists find their work extremely rewarding and exciting.

8. TV presenter

pwdypdaxBoth viewers and employers impose very strict requirements on TV presenters. Representatives of this profession must have a pleasant appearance, ideally control their voice and facial expression, have a sense of humor, good reaction, intelligence and resourcefulness. Constant public speaking is a mental test that can lead to serious stress.

7. Top manager

nzlmu4fkWho doesn't want to be the boss? You sit in an easy chair, give orders, and sip coffee. Ideal life. However, executives are responsible for making decisions that can lead the company to success or failure. And behind the back there was already a line of people wishing to take a warm place.

6. Public Relations Specialist

nlp513fhPublic relations work includes communicating with different people, including loud, rude and simply inadequate. Moreover, the job may include many travel and speaking engagements. But they pay decently.

5. Event organizer

5oewfunjTight deadlines, high customer expectations and meticulous attention to detail are what accompany the activities of the event organizer. And even if only something goes wrong, a ton of negativity will immediately pour out on the organizer.

4. Police officer

q4w51ptrPolice officers have to deal with potentially life-threatening situations, high physical and moral demands are imposed on them, and the contingent with whom they have to work is unpleasant. In return, they receive solid salaries, early retirement, and generous benefits.

3. Pilot

wlitpdoxAircraft safety depends on the skill of the pilots. Every day they work under strong psychological pressure, because the lives of many passengers potentially depend on their decisions. In addition, the competition for jobs in the major airlines is fierce.

2. Firefighter

babwzvqpFirefighters, like police officers, are constantly faced with life-threatening situations.On the other hand, public attitudes towards firefighters are generally more positive than towards police officers. It is unlikely that you have met the headlines in the press "fireman rescued a man from the fire for a large bribe."

1. Serviceman

y30iwdisThe first number in the ranking of the most stressful professions is the military. Their jobs involve injury and possibly death. In addition to physical injury, servicemen taking part in combat operations often have psychological problems and post-traumatic stress disorder. They also find it difficult to apply their skills to the civilian labor market.

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