home Ratings TOP 10 of the best Turkish cuisine

TOP 10 of the best Turkish cuisine

Turkey's national cuisine is a delicious mix of East Asian-Mediterranean traditions. I would like to dwell on main 10 dishes of Turkish cuisine, enjoying a well-deserved reputation among tourists.


koyazsobNo breakfast in best hotels in Turkey not without simit - a kind of bagel with sesame seeds, which is eaten with jam or cheese. Simit can be large, can be dried. Buying a ticket to Turkey presupposes the obligatory tasting of such a bagel.


ynotiyugA purely Turkish cuisine feature is gözleme - a stuffed flatbread. Such a cake is baked in a special frying pan and filled, as a rule, with spinach, seafood, cheese, minced meat or eggs - as the cook's imagination works.


mmhatnx4Lamb meat cooked with dried fruits - mutanjana - has a special taste. Lamb can be replaced with lamb - this will not distort the taste of this unusual dish at all. The main thing is that the products are fresh.


zlkr4yzvA popular type of kebab is iskander - thin slices of lamb stewed with chopped flatbread, butter and yogurt. When purchasing last-minute tours to Turkey, take the opportunity to taste the best dishes of the country.


s3kr0t3lEach region of Turkey disputes its own recipe for making special meatballs-cutlets - köfte. It is preferable to prepare this dish from lamb or ground beef with the addition of onions, red pepper and garlic.

Turkish stuffed mussels

dfjmv01oA special dish, spicy enough and sprinkled with lemon juice, but very much loved by both tourists and locals. An important property of stuffed mussels is their usefulness and satiety.

Raw cutlets

fqszmuyiTurkish raw cutlets, seasoned with spices, have a peculiar taste. According to folk customs, only a man should knead the minced meat for such cutlets. Purchasing a ticket to Turkey will provide an opportunity to taste a vegetarian variety of raw cutlets - bulgur.

Turkish omelet

t1thqb3zEggs, tomatoes, onions and peppers are the main ingredients of a Turkish omelet, however, as elsewhere. You can add cheese and ham to make the dish more satisfying.

Baklava and Turkish delight

q2wfw0kpThose with a sweet tooth have long appreciated the unsurpassed Turkish baklava (puff pastry dishes with walnuts or pistachios, soaked in sugar, lemon juice and rose water) and Turkish delight (a dessert made from sugar with flour and starch, as well as with any nuts).

Tea and coffee

5dxw2kabAnd, of course, Turkish coffee and tea are a separate item on the Turkish menu. Real Turkish coffee is always brewed in a Turk. Unforgettable last minute tours to Turkey are Turkish coffee, including with real foam, the drink itself and coffee grounds. The foam, by the way, retains the aroma of the varieties of this drink for a long time. It is best to brew coffee in a copper or silver turk (quite an expensive pleasure).

Tea is a favorite drink of the Turks. It is brewed in a bunk teapot and served in small glass cups. Moreover, the Turks prefer their finely ground tea grown on the Black Sea coast.

Hospitable Turks are always ready to offer tourists the best masterpieces of their cuisine.As a rule, eating is one of the important components of a holiday in another country, so feel free to taste and enjoy! Enjoy your meal!

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