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Top 10 most beautiful parrots in the world

Even the ancient Romans and Greeks admired parrots with their bright plumage. And with the discovery of America in the Old World, a real "parrot fever" began. These birds were paid for in gold, the best wine, and expensive fabrics.

Today parrots are popular pets in our homes. Successful captive breeding and friendly nature allows you to admire the most exotic representatives of the parrot family in many zoos around the world. About 350 species of these birds are known, but we suggest taking a look at Top 10 most beautiful parrots in the world.

10. Alexandrov ringed parrot

imageThe length of this large parrot is 45-58 cm. The color is grassy green, the crown has a blue tint. Males have a beautiful pink and black "necklace". The parrot lives in Southeast Asia.

9. Jaco

imageThe coral-tailed gray parrot lives in West Africa. Jaco are the most talented talking parrots, they can memorize up to hundreds of phrases, name colors and shapes.

8. Bronze-winged parrot

imageThe blue parrot with pink breast and bronze wings is native to South America. These birds are very sociable and like to gather in large flocks.

7. Corella

imageA crested parrot with coral "cheeks" native to Australia. Export of cockatiels outside Australia is prohibited, however, there are already enough of them in many countries of the world. These birds easily learn different words, but can be quite annoying.

6. Helmet cockatoo

image The coral-headed gray or blue parrot lives in the highland forests of Australia and nearby islands. The body length of a parrot is up to 37 cm.

5. Arantiga Endaya

imageA bright orange-green parrot native to Brazil. Despite the presence in the ten most beautiful parrots in the world, this bird is not very popular with Brazilian farmers, as it loves to feast on corn plantations.

4. Fan parrot

imageIts exotic appearance and calm, friendly disposition make this parrot a very pleasant pet. The fan parrot is native to South America.

3. Multicolor lorikeet

imageThe beautiful coloration of the lorikeet is really multi-colored: blue, red, yellow and green colors immediately attract attention. Such an attractive appearance makes the lorikeet one of the world's most popular zoo dwellers.

2. Macaw

image Yellow-green, red or hyacinth color and length up to 95 cm make macaw parrots insanely popular. In captivity, these birds live up to 75 years and are very friendly towards humans.

1. Cockatoo Inca

imageOne of the most beautiful parrots in the world lives in Australia. Catching and selling these birds is prohibited, so reddish-white crested parrots are not often found in captivity. In Australia itself, keeping an Inca cockatoo at home or in a zoo is possible only with the permission of the authorities.

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