home Ratings Top 10 most useless household appliances

Top 10 most useless household appliances

British sociologists have found that every third household appliance is used no more than 6 times a year. Every tenth device generally remains idle, taking up precious space and irritating the owners.

In order to save the family budget and space in home closets and closets, we suggest exploring most useless household appliances... It is these "devices" that most often become a dead weight, which means they are not worth the money spent.

10. Fryer

pblpgewyEven big fries aficionados don't usually cook them regularly at home. The reasons are obvious - the high consumption of vegetable oil and electricity, the desire to switch to a healthy diet, and the inconvenience of caring for the device.

9. Noodle cutter

y44nwslvOf course, homemade noodles are delicious. But in an effort to fully provide a family with homemade pasta, you should not purchase a rather bulky and expensive device. As a rule, enthusiasm quickly passes, and a place in the kitchen for a noodle cutter is still needed. By the way, small cheap Chinese-made pasta machines disappoint housewives even faster than more expensive Italian counterparts.

8. Slicer

bcoxpn4tPerhaps this device will be in demand for a family of 10-12 people. But, as a rule, slicing 3-4 slices of bread or slices of sausage is easier with a regular knife than with an electric device that requires maintenance and storage space.

7. Electric broom

c5inu3caIn pursuit of purity, many acquire such a wonderful helper for themselves. But it takes up more space than a regular floor brush, plus it consumes electricity, but only fairly expensive models provide a decent quality of cleaning.

6. Mantle cooker

rhb4cvfnPerhaps this device will be in demand in Central Asia, but Russian housewives most often turn on their mantle cooker no more than a couple of times a year. If there is a double boiler in the household, the device becomes an overkill.

5. Steam cleaner

qffakwncAt first glance, the device can become a faithful assistant, as it allows you to cope with stubborn dirt without using harmful chemicals. However, practice shows that after cleaning furniture, plumbing fixtures and a tiled floor, most housewives put the steam cleaner on the back burner. So, isn't it easier to call a dry-cleaner for upholstered furniture and cleaning for bathrooms with these funds once a year?

4. Massage foot bath

syqybw3sA pleasant device that, alas, cannot be called useful. Firstly, home spa procedures take time; secondly, after use, the bath must be washed and stored somewhere; thirdly, inexpensive models, as a rule, do not have enough power for normal massage.

3. Toaster

oorla5i3One of the most popular free gift appliances. And one of the most useless. Nobody set out to track the "toaster cycle in nature." But polls show that most of these gadgets are transferred several times, and then end up in a dark corner of some closet.

2. Egg cooker

icsvphvhThe number of boiled eggs that justifies the purchase of an egg cooker is not consumed by any average family. Of course, eggs are an important part of the diet.But for the sake of a couple of eggs a week, you definitely shouldn't clutter up the kitchen space. By the way, the most popular "egg" dish, according to researchers, is omelet. But we do not eat boiled eggs as often as it might seem.

1. Ice cream maker

00u4baymAccording to the Times, it is the homemade ice cream machine that is recognized as the most useless in the household. Of the 1,500 surveyed housewives, with an ice cream maker, none used this device more than twice a year. And none of the respondents indicated that they would like to receive such a device as a gift if it is not on the farm.

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