home Food and drink Top 10 products that you can buy for future use

Top 10 products that you can buy for future use

Top 10 products that you can buy for future useThe sanctions imposed by Russia against a number of food products produced in Western countries are likely to cause an increase in food prices. However, it is not worth stocking up on cheeses, fish and milk - after all, such goods are stored for a very short time.

For those wishing to replenish their own stocks, we offer Top 10 products that you can buy for future use.

10. Tea and coffee

imageThe shelf life of these products is 1 to 3 years. For lovers of natural coffee for long-term storage, it is better to purchase it in beans sealed in a vacuum package. But tea and coffee bought by weight should be stored in a tightly closed container in a dark and always dry place for no more than six months.

9. Groceries (sugar, salt, pasta and cereals)

imageSuch products can be bought at wholesalers and depots. Thus, you can save 10-25% of the cost. It is important to set aside a dry, cool place for storing groceries. Remember. That whole grains last much longer than cereals.

8. Drinks

imageBottled water, juices in tetra-pack packaging, carbonated drinks can be safely purchased for 6 months. Buying drinks in bulk allows you to save up to 15% of their cost.

7. Canned food

imageGreen peas, olives, fruit in syrup, stew - all these products, canned in cans and glass, can be stored for up to two years. But it is important to remember that there are very few nutrients left in canned food.

6. Honey

imageIn a cool and dark place, honey can retain all its beneficial properties for several years. Only storage containers should be made of glass or ceramic and have a tight lid.

5. Jamon

imageThe jamon purchased in one piece on the bone can be stored for about a year. Usually, for such long-term storage, manufacturers pack the famous delicacy in a vacuum film. However, Spanish housewives often cover the entire leg with a layer of fat. But the shelf life of sliced ​​ham is no more than 4-6 months.

4. Potatoes, onions, pumpkin

imageIf there is a dry and cool storage space, potatoes and onions can be purchased for 5-6 months. However, in a city apartment, creating ideal conditions for root crops and bulbs is almost unrealistic.

3. Cookies and chocolate

imageThe shelf life of these delicacies is 6-12 months. By the way, chocolate should not be stored in the refrigerator, as this creates an unpleasant white bloom on its surface. It is enough to choose a place with an air temperature of no more than 25 degrees.

2. Alcohol

imageTinctures on herbs, berries, flavored drinks are stored for no more than one year. But the shelf life of pure vodka is practically unlimited. Contrary to popular belief, bottled wine cannot be stored for decades. The noble drink will keep its bouquet only in barrels.

1. Nuts, candied fruits and dried fruits

imageWith a shelf life of 6 months or more, these products can be an excellent source of vitamins, for example, during the cold winter months, when fresh fruits are expensive and not as healthy as during the high season.

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