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Top 10 signs of a man in love

Top 10 signs of a man in loveIt is well known that the state of being in love can change human behavior beyond recognition. And even if the lover is in no hurry to reveal his feelings to the chosen one, by some signs one can easily determine his condition.

Psychologists have long analyzed and described the smallest nuances inherent in a person who has fallen under the influence of tender feelings. It is about them that will be discussed in our Top 10 signs of a man in love.

10. Dilated pupils and gaze

When looking at his beloved, the man's pupils dilate. Visual perception for the stronger sex is especially important, so they can watch their chosen one for hours, sometimes doing it unconsciously.

9. Behavior changes

Always calm and self-possessed, the guy suddenly becomes fussy and overly active. A merry fellow and a joker, on the contrary, can become withdrawn and taciturn. Another sign is sudden mood swings throughout the day. Whatever one may say, falling in love is stress for the body.

8. The desire to communicate at any time of the day or night

Night SMS is unlikely to be sent by a person who is only interested in friendship or business relations. For a man in love, not only physical, but also close emotional contact becomes important.

7. Complete and deliberate "ignore"

In contrast to the previous sign of falling in love, some men begin to avoid the subject of their sighs in every possible way. The lover can turn away, look to the side, move away. However, in order not to be trapped, it is worth looking for other signs of falling in love.

6. Owner behavior

A man in love jealously guards the chosen one from encroachments from anyone. Jealousy can cause not only a rival, but also a friend, mother or sister. After all, all these people take away the attention of their beloved. Therefore, if a third person joins the couple, a man in love, deliberately or not, will do everything to return the conversation to its former intimate channel.

5. "Random" meetings

If you meet at home, near work, in the same cafe, at the cinema and for a walk, then it is very difficult to believe in the randomness of these "intersections". Sometimes a man in love cannot muster up the courage and openly invite his darling for a cup of tea or to the cinema, arranging such "casual" dates.

4. Sacrifice

If a man is ready to let you drive his car or watch the hated melodrama all evening, then he is clearly not indifferent. Men are great conservatives and owners. They are ready to share and change their preferences in a situation when a tender feeling settles in the heart.

3. Caring

Every man strives to protect and protect the object of his desires. That is why he will share his jacket on a walk on a cool evening, help replace a broken outlet, or transport a heavy old refrigerator to the dacha.

2. Improving the image

Not only women tend to smarten up before the chosen one.In an effort to conquer their beloved, some men suddenly sign up for the gym, run to the hairdresser, or buy expensive accessories that they had not paid attention to before.

1. Genuine interest

Even a faithful friend is not always able to listen to a two-hour story about moving to a new apartment or looking for a new job. But a man in love will listen carefully, even if he is usually completely intolerant of such monologues.

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