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Top 10 Best Ways to Save Money

imageNobody likes to save money, but from time to time almost everyone has to do it. It turns out that it is not at all necessary to limit yourself literally in everything, so that you do not have to “borrow until payday” every time.

Today we offer Top 10 Best Ways to Save Money, allowing you not to deny yourself completely in rest, entertainment and other familiar things.

10. Save on household energy

When planning the purchase of household appliances, you should definitely pay attention to the energy class. A class A refrigerator will save you a couple of thousand rubles per year in comparison with a less economical counterpart. A computer, TV and other electronics not used continuously should be connected through a surge protector. At the end of the work, by simply pressing a button, all devices can be de-energized by switching to saving mode. Energy saving lamps are also an affordable and effective way to reduce utility bills.

9. Save money on entertainment

You don't have to buy glossy magazines, DVDs or subscribe to newspapers. On the Internet, you can freely find almost any information, as well as a lot of entertainment content.

8. Save on food

There are several ways to save on food. Option 1 - take lunch from home to the office without spending money on food in a cafe. Option 2 - buy groceries once a week at the wholesale market, not at a store near your home. Option 3 - buy food only on a full stomach, a hungry person will certainly buy a lot of unnecessary "snacks".

7. Do not borrow

The habit of borrowing sooner or later leads to financial ruin. Buying the latest smartphone on credit is certainly not the best option for those who are in economy mode. You can borrow money if you have left your wallet at home and have nothing to pay for your lunch.

6. Plan

It is imperative to know the main items of your income and expenses. By highlighting the priority payments (utilities, food, mortgage, etc.), you can calculate a more or less free balance and understand where the money goes. Sometimes scrupulous recording of income and expenses for several months can reduce your spending by 5-7 percent.

5. Divide spending into categories

It's better to plan expenses by category. When making a budget for the month, you need to plan for spending on food, entertainment, clothing, loans, etc. For example, 5 thousand rubles are allocated for clothes per month. If a jacket is bought for 10 thousand, then next month we will exclude such an item as clothing from the budget. It is important not to cheat and throw money between categories.

4. Ask for the right things as a gift

Holiday surprises are, of course, nice. But you can say directly that on your birthday you really want to get a DVR or tell everyone that the best gift is money, motivating that you are collecting for a large purchase.

3. Dress up for sales

No matter how much you would like to buy a new down jacket by the beginning of winter, it is better to wait until the start of sales and buy a new thing half the price.Saving mode is definitely not the period of life when you need to dress exclusively in branded items from the latest collections. And the classic jeans bought at a big discount at the sale will last more than one season.

2. Save for a deposit

As soon as you manage to reach the next salary, not at zero, but with a small balance, you should not immediately spend the saved money. You can try to save 5 to 30% of your salary. If the salary goes to a bank card, then you can issue an order in the bank to automatically transfer monthly, for example, 5% of the amount received to the deposit.

1. Monitor your health

The costs of medicines, examinations and doctor visits can be in the thousands. Therefore, a correct healthy lifestyle is not a luxury, but a very effective way to save money... You don't have to spend money on a gym, but be sure to walk in the fresh air. It is not necessary to buy expensive vitamins, but it is imperative to quit smoking. Such simple rules will surely save you from significant costs.

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