home People Top 10 Creative Insect Control Products

Top 10 Creative Insect Control Products

Summer is the most fertile time not only for mosquitoes and other blood-sucking insects that love to spoil our rest, but also for manufacturers of means to combat them. To date, many different ways of fighting parasites have been invented - from the most primitive and traditional to the latest developments of scientists.

Our rating contains the most original insect pest repellents.

10. Live fence

c5pxuyliThe Solar Powered Insect Killer eliminates the need to conduct current around the fence. The principle of operation of this system can be compared with the "Catcher": insects fly into the emitted light and meet their death. But here everything is much simpler: you do not have to do anything, because, flying up to the light, insects stumble upon an electric grid. The main advantage of the device is the ability to work from a solar battery.

9. Catcher

1lkpuheiThe newest Catcher device, invented by a Korean designer, despite its simplicity, is absolutely ingenious. "Catcher" is a light lamp, to which all insects come running. All that is required of you is to close the lid to trap the parasites.

8.USB weapon

mvz1io0bDespite its tiny size, this "flash drive" is a formidable weapon in the fight against bloodsucking. When connected to a computer or laptop, it creates a powerful ultrasonic field, absolutely harmless to humans, but deadly to mosquitoes.

7. Laser cannons

y0uj20cjThe Photonic Fence laser cannon accurately recognizes all flying insects and kills them mercilessly. It does not harm the health of humans and pets, unless, of course, your pets are mosquitoes.

6. Baseball bat

cyzeerruAt first glance, it seems very strange to see a baseball bat in the Mosquito repellent section of online stores. But in fact, this "weapon" is very popular due to its affordable price and ease of use. In addition, this is a very effective tool: you will kill the "enemies" and practice the blow.

5. Vacuum cannon for humanists

lrh1ewptIf you are unable to abuse even pests such as mosquitoes, then this unique Chinese-made vacuum gun is for you. It allows you to release caught insects outside. But keep in mind that mosquitoes may not appreciate your nobility and return to their accomplices.

4. Vacuum gun

f13ydipvFly-Goodbye is a less humane vacuum insect cannon. The device sucks in insects flying within a radius of three centimeters from it, and then "places" them on a special adhesive cartridge, after which you can do whatever you want with the prisoners.

3. Spider fly swatter

isig2vmo"The enemy of my enemy is my friend." It is on this principle that Mango Studio was based when creating a fly swatter in the form of a web.

2. Robots

qljaoi0jWith the development of humanoid combat robots, not everything is smooth yet, but they are quite capable of catching insects. These insidious creatures are waiting for an insect to sit on them and sweep it into acid with brushes. Quite an effective insect repellent.

1. Fire sword

jfhznycvAs you know, sworn enemies are destroyed with fire and sword, to which all blood-sucking can be attributed without question.But only a professional who has been holding this sword in his hands since infancy can dissect mosquitoes with a real fire sword. But everyone can use Johannes Vogl's Fire Mosquito.

As we can see, in addition to adhesive tapes and spirals, there are many creative and even effective insect control products. After reading our article, you can choose the most suitable "weapon" for you. But whatever you choose, always remember about safety.

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