home Medicine 20 interesting facts about pregnancy

20 interesting facts about pregnancy

Pregnancy is the most important period in a woman's life. This is a special condition in which a kind of "restructuring" begins in the body. From the very moment of conception, each organ and the entire system as a whole begins to work for the benefit of the correct development of the baby.

Some of these changes are understandable, and some still baffle scientists and doctors. We bring to your attention the 20 most interesting and surprising facts about pregnancy.

20. Thick and silky


Heartburn during pregnancy often indicates that the baby will have a rich "head of hair", or simply excess body hair growth. And this is not a common misconception, but a statistical fact.

19. Actors "Big" and "Small"

Babies begin to show emotions while still in the womb. They are able to laugh, cry, and be sad. However, this is not caused by the mental background of the child or the mother. Thus, the baby is simply prepared for childbirth.

18. About the "mirror of the soul"

All babies are born with blue or gray eyes. This phenomenon is due to the absence of melanin in the iris, a substance that begins to accumulate from six months. It is melanin that determines the color of the child's eyes: if it is not enough, then the eyes will remain blue, gray or gray-green, and if enough, the color of the eyes will acquire a brown, yellow or green tint.

17. Side by side

There is such a phenomenon as "Sympathetic pregnancy". This is a condition in which the partner of a pregnant woman experiences almost all the symptoms of pregnancy in parallel with her lover. Thus, the man will also experience nausea, changes in moods, tastes, interests, and more.

16. And charm too

Pregnant women have a very keen sense of smell. Thus, nature protects the baby from dangerous and stale food. After all, it is known that what the expectant mother eats has a direct effect on the condition of the fetus.

15. Sing to me again


Singing can make labor much easier. The fact is that in the process of singing, the hormone endorphin is produced, which softens the painful sensations, and also has a calming effect on the woman in labor.

14. Lucky signs

Almost 90% of pregnant women change their skin tone, and may also show age spots or moles. Fortunately, after childbirth, all these "defects" disappear.

13. Such is the fruit

During pregnancy, a woman's uterus can grow up to five hundred times: from the size of a peach to the size of a melon.

12. Excess weight - excess happiness

Tall or fat women are much more likely to give birth to twins than thin or short women.

11. Mother "to the bone"

Already in the second trimester of pregnancy, milk begins to be produced in the mammary glands. Often it stands out reflexively: for example, when your own or even someone else's baby cries.

10. Down with prejudices

Contrary to popular belief, you can not get rid of a microwave oven in your home during pregnancy: it will not harm either the expectant mother or the baby.

9. Do not read your bellies


There is an opinion that the location of the abdomen (its direction up or down) and the shape of the abdomen (round or pointed) are determinants of the sex of the unborn child. It's not like that at all. It all depends on the physiology of a woman, on the characteristics of her figure.

8. "Paradontax" will not help

Many women start to sound the alarm during pregnancy because of bleeding gums or frequent nosebleeds. But it's not that bad. These phenomena are directly related to an increase in blood flow in a woman's body.

7. Antistress

Everyone knows that pregnant women often have specific taste preferences: someone is drawn to pickled cucumbers, someone to sausage with condensed milk. These acute desires are quite understandable: by satisfying her gustatory desires, a woman relieves stress, because during the use of her favorite delicacy, the pleasure hormone serotonin is produced, which just blocks negative thoughts and emotions.

6. Cinderella is not the same

Sometimes the leg of a pregnant woman can grow one size. Moreover, even the shape of the leg itself can change. The fact is that often women are prone to swelling during gestation. But this is just one of the reasons. In pregnant women, the hormone relaxin is produced, which relaxes the ligaments and muscles, preparing the woman's body for the upcoming birth.

5. Lucky day

According to statistics, most children are born on Tuesday, least of all on Saturday and Sunday. This can be explained by the fact that caesarean sections are almost never scheduled on weekends.

4. Better than any professional salon


One of the pleasant moments of pregnancy is the fact that the hair becomes thick, shiny and silky. It's all about the hormones that the female body produces. But, unfortunately, after childbirth, this "miracle effect" disappears.

3. "The tail is either there, or it does not exist at all, you cannot be mistaken here"

Absolutely all babies in the first weeks of pregnancy have a small tail, which disappears during the development of the fetus.

2. Progress does not stand still here either

Every year the number of births of twins and triplets is growing steadily. Scientists attribute this to the development and popularization of the artificial insemination procedure.

1. "We all came out of the water"


The concentration of salts in amniotic fluid is about the same as in ocean waters.

As we can see, the period of pregnancy is accompanied by a variety of phenomena - pleasant and not very pleasant. But in any case, every such moment, every moment is worth experiencing, no matter what. After all, there is no happiness without difficulties, and children are the real happiness.

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