home Ratings The most mysterious finds of archaeologists

The most mysterious finds of archaeologists

Sometimes, unusual artifacts found deep underground call into question the usual hypotheses about the origin and development of human civilization.

Around such finds, heated debates flare up about their origin and purpose. Our selection contains just such - the most mysterious finds of archaeologists.

10. Por-Bazhyn (Clay House)

a1ijspauOne of the most mysterious structures of antiquity was found in 1891, 30 km from the capital of Mongolia. The complex was built about 1300 years ago in the middle of a mountain lake. But archaeologists have no evidence that would explain the purpose of the "House of Clay" or point to the civilization that built it.

9. Salzburg parallelepiped

5zac3ue1A metal object weighing 785 grams was found in Austria in 1885 in a lump of coal, which is 25 to 67 million years old. The perfectly correct shape does not allow us to assume that the parallelepiped is a fragment of a meteorite. Among fans of the theory of the extraterrestrial origin of mankind, the most popular version of the alien nature of the find.

8. Ural "spirals"

tczndojuThe 3 cm spirals are made of an alloy of copper, tungsten and molybdenum. It is possible to make such products only if one possesses a certain level of development of science and technology. At the same time, scientists estimate the age of the spirals at 300 thousand years.

7. Antikythera mechanism

fofkwvhhThis artifact was found on the wreckage of a ship that sank off the coast of Greece. The age of the find is 2 thousand years. The movement contains 37 bronze gears, enclosed in a wooden case with a dial. Most likely, the mechanism was intended to calculate the motion of celestial bodies. There were no analogues to the device in ancient culture.

6. The Voynich manuscript

1z2zipj3The mysterious manuscript is written in a language unknown to mankind and cannot be deciphered. The manuscript was discovered while dismantling the rubble in the basement of one of the Italian monasteries. The parchment on which the text is applied dates back to the 15th century. The most famous cryptologists and mystery lovers are working on decryption. But so far the meaning of the Voynich manuscript remains a mystery.

5. Stone balls from Costa Rica

ucpgmsujThe purpose of these balls, made from igneous sedimentary rocks, remains a mystery. Perfectly shaped balls weigh up to 16 tons. Who, when and with the help of what technologies gave the blocks the ideal shape is unknown.

4. Baltic anomaly

cqd3vgdmThe stone anomaly, discovered in 2011 at the very bottom of the Baltic Sea, according to some scientists, may be the remains of an ancient spaceship that crashed. Although other scientists argue that the correct shape of the anomaly may be the result of the movement of an ancient glacier.

3. Genetic disk

sxy4kr1eA disc with a diameter of 27 cm found in Colombia would be difficult to manufacture even with the use of modern technologies, since the lidite from which it is made has the highest strength and, at the same time, a layered structure. However, more scientists are struck by the process of fertilization of an egg and the development of life depicted on the disc.

2. A figurine in a space suit

d3k0dbw4In an ancient Egyptian tomb in the area of ​​Tel El Tabila, among the ritual figurines, one was found that did not resemble any previously found. The lizard-headed creature is dressed in a suit resembling a spacesuit.

1. Bas-reliefs in the temple of Hathor (Dendera lamp)

0dae41oaIn 1969, during excavations in Egypt, images were discovered that remarkably resemble modern electric lamps. A number of enthusiastic scientists have even reconstructed the mysterious lamps using modern technology.



  1. What was painted later is a hoax .. What the Titans discovered is known .. But they
    They died not from a cold snap, but from carnivorousness and wars .. Apparently the society of the Titans was small in number .. They themselves were either a collective egoist or Ignoramus .. Otherwise, there would be 100 times more finds, and there are 100 times less of them in the entire history of searches .. During excavations over 10 million years old, fragmentary parts of some processed artifacts or machines or their parts are visible. Cultural layers in the Age of Titans - not found. It seems to me (and not only to me) that a certain fascist or conspirators finished painting everything for the giants themselves .. And then they fanned the fire of a new war. The main thing is that they continued to do this, their hoax, sunk to imbecility, with their wild experiences. About which they managed to notify the whole Earth. People took a different path and I hope they won't be allowed to return to obscurantism ..

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