home Cities and countries Most Drinking Cities in Russia 2018, Zoom Market Rating

Most Drinking Cities in Russia 2018, Zoom Market Rating

"Russia is the joy of drinking, we cannot be without it ..." This saying, attributed to Vladimir Krasno Solnyshko, is relevant in our time. Many people really cannot “be without that,” as evidenced by the Zoom Market research.

After conducting a sociological survey, the specialists of this independent agency were able to compile rating of the most drinking cities in Russia in 2018.
Top Drinking Cities in Russia 2018

Rating methodology

The survey was conducted in twenty-five Russian cities. The final list was compiled on the basis of personal interviews of 3250 people, whose age was in the range from 19 to 73 years.

The respondents were asked three questions about whether they drink alcoholic beverages, how often, and whether they drank alcohol today (or plan to do so).

It turned out that the inhabitants of Saratov most often come under the control of the "green snake". Perhaps one of the reasons for this is that this city is low quality of lifeaccording to a 2017 study.

The opinion of the Ministry of Health on the drunkenness rating

The Russian Ministry of Health did not agree with the findings of Zoom Market, since personal interviews are not the most objective indicator of the level of drunkenness in Russia. The ministry believes that it is necessary to focus on the information provided by the federal project "Sober Russia" in 2017. The Magadan Region is named the most drunk there.

Sobriety rating of Russian regions

And the Chechen Republic turned out to be the most sober. Other regions of the Caucasus also entered the top 10 most sober regions of Russia. And the Saratov region was on the 25th line out of 85.

Specialists of the Russian Ministry of Health say that last year the consumption of alcohol in ethyl equivalent per capita of Russians was 10 liters. This figure is 0.3 liters less than in 2016.

The correct dose of alcohol

The debate about how much you can "drink" without harming your health is probably as old as winemaking itself. Belarusian doctors believe that in order to answer this question, it is necessary to take into account the type of alcoholic drink.

  • White and red wines of good quality are welcome. Cheap wine often contains colorings and harmful additives. They are unlikely to be welcome guests in your body.
  • The maximum dose is 2 grams per kilogram of normal weight.
  • Exceeding the dose leads to excessive stress on the liver and heart.
  • But for people who have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, blood vessels and heart, alcohol is strictly prohibited.

And even the best beer - also an alcoholic drink. Drink alcohol in moderation (or better not drink at all) and be healthy!

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