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Most Popular Wikipedia Articles

imageThe Russian-language Wikipedia contains more than 1,100 thousand articles. Every day millions of users turn to the Internet encyclopedia with a variety of queries.

In the current selection you will find most popular wikipedia articles... They are viewed several thousand times daily. Of course, audience preferences change, so we used statistics from January 2013.

10 250 best films according to IMDb

Rating, compiled on the basis of feedback from visitors to the largest cinema site on the Internet, certainly arouses considerable interest. The corresponding article on Wikipedia is viewed daily by about 8,200 readers.

9. Magnificent century

The article, dedicated to the action-packed historical and epic drama, attracts about 8,700 readers every day. The series ends in 2014, but so far it remains consistently among the most popular.

8. Supernatural

The article on the American television series is viewed daily by approximately 8,800 users. The creators of the series in every possible way support the popularity of the brainchild, extending it in 2014 for the tenth season.

7. Labor

The most unexpected article among the most popular attracts over 9,000 readers every day. The article describes the concept of labor, labor as an economic category, as well as the role of labor in the biological evolution of man.

6. YouTube

The most popular video hosting service in the world was founded in 2005. Since 2006, it has been owned by Google Inc., and the number of video views back in 2012 exceeded 4 billion. These and other facts are studied daily by 9,400 visitors who open the corresponding article on Wikipedia.

5. Sex

About 9,500 visitors every day try to find out “what sex is” from Wikipedia. The article contains both links to additional sources of information and illustrations.

4. Game of Thrones

Interest in an article about the history of the famous television series increases every year during new season launch... Almost 10,000 people visit Wikipedia every day to read about Game of Thrones.

3. Russia

The article on the Russian Federation is viewed more than 11,000 times daily. The article about Russia is one of the most voluminous in the Russian Wikipedia. It is replete with links to additional sources.

2. Classmates

An article about the history, owners and visitors of the Odnoklassniki social network is viewed daily by 14,500 users. Perhaps the popularity of the article is due to the fact that the link to Wikipedia is the second line in the search results for “classmates” in Google.

1. VKontakte

Surprisingly, an article dedicated to the most popular social network on the Runet is viewed more than 20 thousand times daily. Naturally, the authors of the article monitor its relevance, so there is always the latest data on the structure, attendance, owners and features of the network.

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