home Nature The most stupid dog breeds in the world, top 10

The most stupid dog breeds in the world, top 10

"The dog is the only animal whose loyalty is unshakable." - J. Buffon

In 1994, psychology professor Stanley Coren of the University of British Columbia, Canada, wrote a book called The Intelligence of Dogs. He studied over 100 dog breeds through a survey of judges from Canadian Kennel Clubs and American Kennel Clubs. And then he identified three aspects of intelligence:

  • Instinctive intelligence (the ability to perform tasks for which this breed was bred).
  • Adaptive intelligence (the ability to independently solve problems and learn from previous mistakes).
  • Ability to work and obey a person (ability to learn).

And the main indicators of a canine mind for the author of "Dog Intelligence" were such criteria as the dog's understanding of the new command and the execution of the command the first time.

According to the research results in the top three the most intelligent dogs turned out to be a border collie, a poodle and a German shepherd. This is because they are easy to train. Does this mean that they are the smartest in the canine world? Or does it mean that they are not that smart because they always follow the directions of people and do not think for themselves? You can argue both ways.

And here the stupidest dog breeds according to Stanley Coren.

10. Basset Hound

Basset HoundCalm and sociable dogs, friendly to other animals and children. Like many other "stupidest dogs", Bassets are stubborn, slow and pay more attention to the amazing smells around, rather than the commands of the owner. For a treat, they will do what you want them to do. However, if you have nothing to offer the basset, he will "forget" the command he has learned.

Don't be deceived by the sad eyes of the Basset Hound, behind them lies a strong, inquisitive and unwilling to obey personality

9. Mastiff

MastiffYou would hardly dare to say "stupid dog" right in the face of a large, muscular mastiff. However (behind their back) we recognize that a high level of activity and ease of training are not among the distinctive features of this breed.

Due to the sheer size and good guarding qualities of the breed, it is important that the mastiff owner starts training and socializing his pet at an early, puppy stage. And then the mastiff will become a respectable and formidable protector of the whole family.

8. Beagle

BeagleThese dogs love to follow where their scent leads, which can sometimes lead to trouble. The beagle's fun and affectionate nature, combined with its deceptively sad gaze, can make you think it's the perfect home toy. But this is not the case. Beagles are extremely active and motivated dogs, they have a difficult character and cannot resist the desire to explore the world. Due to their unique sense of smell, representatives of this breed help police officers in the search for explosives.

7. Pekingese

PekingeseUnlike many breeds, which were originally conceived as working dogs and later became companions, the Pekingese from the very beginning played only one role - the human pet. Intelligence has always ranked last on the list of qualities of this breed. But the Pekingese are very beautiful, funny, friendly and can be kept in a small apartment.

6. Bloodhound

BloodhoundBloodhound "sees" the world primarily with his extremely sensitive nose. These dogs are difficult to train because they are constantly distracted by all the smells around.They also have a ton of energy, stubbornness, and determination, and they are absolutely unstoppable when they take the scent trail. You can hardly force a Bloodhound to do anything against his will. But on a large area outside the city, where the dog can move freely, your pet will be happy, cheerful and contented with life.

5. Russian hunting greyhound

Russian hunting greyhoundThese dogs with amazingly beautiful silky coat are independent freethinkers. They can also be extremely stubborn, so learning a greyhound is an exercise in patience.

For these dogs, frequent but short training sessions are best, rather than hourly sessions. In the house, they are usually very well-mannered, calm, clean and very affectionate.

4. Chow Chow

Chow ChowChow Chows may look like adorable teddy bears, but they are not always cute and kind. Created to be guard dogs, Chow Chows are serious, independent and fearless animals. They are strong-willed and stubborn, and still very strong, so an experienced dog breeder is needed for training.

Chow Chow is not the stupidest dog in the world, it's just on its own mind. A well-bred Chow Chow dog is a noble, loyal and reliable companion.

3. Bulldog

BulldogThis breed is known for its stubbornness. English Bulldogs are imperturbable, and even lazy, but at the same time rudely elegant and very affectionate to people. They are excellent companion dogs for the phlegmatic person. And French Bulldogs are more temperamental than their English counterparts, friendly, do not require long walks and are ideal for busy people.

Due to their lazy nature, obstinacy and tendency to be distracted, Bulldogs require more training than other dog breeds. They are not the best guards for a private home, not service dogs, and they do not crave exemplary command, as, for example, the German Shepherd. The Bulldog is an excellent family companion dog and don't expect more from it.

2. Bassendzhi

BassendzhiThis African barking dog is known for its independence and aloofness. Some people describe this breed as having a feline quality, and in fact many Bassenjis use their paws like cats.

Bassendji dogs have earned a reputation for being "uncontrollable," but ease of training is not always an accurate indicator of intelligence in this case. On the contrary, these animals are intelligent, curious and playful. They have excellent hunting qualities and are still used for hunting in Congo.

Training a Bassendji can sometimes feel like taming a wild animal. They are vigilant and careful, but also fearless and very stubborn. You cannot bring them up with a stick, only patience and affection.

1. Afghan Hound

Afghan Hound is the stupidest dog breedWe can say that these graceful dogs with luxurious long hair are controlled by the nose. For this reason, Afghans are difficult to train because they do not look up, they look down. Dogs of this breed are not very interested in listening or pleasing people. They are more interested in what smells around, and they also want to chase everything that moves.

At the same time, Afghans are very affectionate and kind animals. And the fact that they are in no hurry to execute the owner's commands does not mean at all that the pet is unteachable. The Afghan Hound was bred for hunting. Often these dogs overtook the hunter on horseback and drove the beast on their own, without a person's instructions. As a result, they have developed an independent and tenacious character. Give the Afghan the opportunity to show his hunting temperament and you won't find a better companion.

Not all scientists agree with the classification of the dumbest dogs on Koren's list.

«I don't think there are concepts like smart dogs and stupid dogs. It is simply a return to the linear version of intelligence, as if the intelligence is a cup of coffee that is more or less complete. Different dogs are good at different things. And they are all geniuses in their own way"Says Brian Hare, associate professor of evolutionary anthropology at Duke University in North Carolina.


  1. I had an Airedale, the smartest breed. She did all the commands. She is good, kind, loves children very much, and most importantly, it is a lifeguard on the water. Now I have a mongrel, I have nothing in this dog - intelligence, devotion, intellect.

  2. She kept Great Danes for twenty years. Wise self-sufficient dogs. They raised my children. A pack of seven was run by an old bitch. There is only one drawback - they live little. Later, the obsequiousness and diligence to stupidity, agility, barking and excitability of the German shepherd shocked out of habit. They were brought up (not taught) like the Great Danes. The German woman carried out security, search and detour of the area (zigzag) herself, as she matured. We did not teach her that. The breed is a canine profession, it is revealed in the circumstances intended for this breed. It is impossible to say who is smarter: a physicist or a peasant.
    A person with a high IQ among the aborigines of Australia can look as stupid and unfit as a Caucasian Shepherd or Husky in a Moscow entrance.

  3. I had a pikinese when he wanted and on command he brought slippers, but sometimes he showed character and gnawed at them. He knew how to open his mouth on command, carried out all the usual commands, jumped through the hoop. You could even play hide and seek with him. But there was no complete obedience, this is a dog with its own character and she knows when to show herself as a dog and not a toy. If the dog does not follow the commands, this does not mean that it is stupid, it means that it does not want and does not consider it important for itself to follow the owner's lead.

    • I had a Pekingese, this is a breed of dogs with high intelligence. In terms of developmental level, it can be compared with a 3, 4 year old child

  4. Almost all of the listed breeds are referred to as "sniffer". They were taken out for purposes other than perfect obedience. Bassets are the smartest dogs. Sly, intelligent, enterprising. Yes, they do not rush to immediately execute the command, because they do not consider it necessary. We need to negotiate with them. If he wants, he will do it.

  5. I had different dogs. The most TRAINED (and not smart) of them turned out to be mongrels. Apparently, they wanted to please. Now I keep a toy terrier - for the soul. Taking into account the fact that he does not spoil at home, he asks to walk if he has an itch and feels the intonation of his voice - I think he is smart enough for his breed. It seems to me that the term "smart" dog is generally not very suitable. There are trainable ones. obedient, executive. I remembered anecdote
    - Well, I have a dog and a dumbass! I tell her: go, bring the newspapers, and she goes to the kitchen and cooks borscht!
    The author of the article just doesn't like dogs.

  6. according to Stanley Coren ...
    This Stanley can shove his wretched opinion in one place ...
    Chow Chow, Alabai and Caucasian Shepherd Dog can independently analyze a difficult situation and make decisions.
    These dogs are highly intelligent.
    The Caucasian Shepherd Dog, for example, can graze livestock on its own and guard the flock and the owner himself ...
    These data are confirmed by many years of research ...

  7. For me, stupidity is submission. That is why I have never kept service dogs. I need a companion, not a slave. And I have Russian greyhounds. These are the most cunning and cunning dogs, excellent hunters and consummate thieves. To punish a greyhound is to sin against their aristocracy. and refinement. They are reckless, impressionable, they know how to behave in any hotel. They are very complex for the plebeians to understand.Greyhounds are a whole world. Only absolute dullness could classify dogs that they do not understand because of their meagerness as stupid. And they do not have to train at all. They will train you.

    • It is because of such aristocratic persons as you who do not want to educate their pets, and I had to shoot the "aristocratic" dog who did not obey the fool-mistress and rushed at the child.

  8. At the expense of the Afghans, I fully agree with the author of the article. Civilization may have arisen there, only beauty and mind are rarely compatible !!!!

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