home Medicine The most useless drugs for ARVI and flu

The most useless drugs for ARVI and flu

The season of acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) is in full swing, and this is a fertile time for manufacturers of not only effective drugs, but also all kinds of pacifiers, aptly nicknamed by the people "fuflomycin".

About what non-prescription drugs are not "magic pills" in the treatment of colds, flu and bronchiolitis, told the resource "Medical Russia". And we bring this list to your attention.

If you are already experiencing unpleasantly familiar symptoms of SARS, pay attention to a selection of cough and cold remedies for children and adults.

14. Arbidol

ArbidolThanks to a large-scale marketing campaign in the 2000s, Arbidol (a trademark of the drug umifenovir) was at one time the best-selling medicine for influenza and colds in Russia.

However, marketing is marketing, and Arbidol cannot boast of proven effectiveness in resisting viruses. You won't find it in the WHO guidelines for the treatment of influenza, and the FDA did not give Arbidol a green light for sale in the US.

Despite the fact that Arbidol is present in the international drug classification system (ATX classifier), this does not prove its usefulness.

13. Amiksin (aka Tilaxin, Tiloron and Lavomax)

AmiksinIt is an interferon inducer, used as an antiviral agent. Its safety has not been proven. Studies were conducted, but were interrupted due to the risks of developing unwanted effects.

12. Broncho-munal

Broncho-munalThe active ingredient of this drug are lysates (fragments of destroyed cells) of 8 types of bacteria, which should accumulate in the intestinal lymphoid plaques and "spur" the innate and acquired immunity in the fight against ARVI.

However, there is no evidence that Broncho-munal works exactly as the manufacturer claims.

11. Galavit

GalavitThere are no clinical studies to support the effectiveness of this drug. Therefore, it can be safely attributed to the number of pacifiers, the most useless medicines for colds and flu.

10. Homeopathy

HomeopathyTasty because it contains sugar, but it's useless. This type of pacifier drugs for colds and flu includes a number of remedies:

  • Agri.
  • Anaferon.
  • Aflubin.
  • Flu-heel.
  • Gnflucid.
  • Oscillococcinum.
  • Ergoferon.

9. Grippferon

GrippferonThis drug for ARVI contains interferon alpha-2b. Interferon has a proven effect in the treatment of viral hepatitis, multiple sclerosis and even cancer.

But there is one BUT. It is effective when administered by injection, but there is no evidence of effectiveness when administered topically (in drops, sprays, and suppositories).

In addition, when the concentration of interferon is sufficient to fight viruses, it causes side effects that are similar to the effect of ARVI on the body.

8. Derinat

DerinatThe active ingredient is sodium deoxyribonucleate or an aqueous solution containing DNA residues, which for some reason should help the body fight viruses.

Controlled clinical trials of Derinat have not been carried out, and he is not included in the foreign lists of WHO, FDA, as well as in the list of essential drugs in the Russian Federation.

7. Imudon

ImudonContains lysates of various microorganisms, including two types of candida. Recall that Candida albicans is a fungus that is found in the microflora of any healthy person, and with active reproduction, it causes thrush and other diseases.

How lysates of candida fungi and bacteria can stimulate human immunity to fight SARS is unclear. And controlled trials won't answer that question, because they don't exist.

6. IRS-19

IRS-19And again on the therapeutic stage, bacterial lysates. The only difference from Derinat and Broncho-munal is nasal administration.

5. Kagocel

KagocelThe first five most useless medicines for colds and flu are discovered by a drug belonging to the group of interferon inducers. They must stimulate the production of its own interferon in the human body.

The effectiveness of Kagocel has not been proven, and the exact mechanism by which this agent should affect the production of interferons is unknown.

It is also worth considering that the precursor of the active substance of this drug is gossypol, which inhibits spermatogenesis, and is even considered as a male contraceptive. WHO researchers concluded that the harm of gossypol outweighs the benefit, and its use as a contraceptive was prohibited.

4. Polyoxidonium

PolyoxidoniumThe Russian agent with an active ingredient called "azoxymera bromide" according to the manufacturer has an antioxidant, immunostimulating, weak anti-inflammatory and detoxification effect.

It would be nice if all these benefits were confirmed in independent clinical studies that meet modern standards, but they have not been carried out. That did not prevent azoxymer bromide from entering the composition of the influenza vaccine Grippol.

3. Cycloferon

CycloferonThe top 3 "fuflomycins" from ARVI includes a drug that is not registered as a drug anywhere except in the CIS countries.

And although Cycloferon is included in the Russian list of vital and most important medicines, not a single double-blind placebo-controlled study has been conducted that can confirm or deny its benefits in the fight against ARVI.

2. Tsitovir-3

Tsitovir-3This drug has not one, but three active components at once:

  1. Alpha Glutamyl Tryptophan.
  2. Vitamin C.
  3. Bendazole.

And on its official website, Tsitovir-3 is positioned as an immunomodulatory and antiviral drug that is active against influenza viruses and other pathogens that provoke the development of ARVI.

However, there are no studies of the effectiveness of Cytovir-3, as well as no substantiation of its pharmacodynamics and mechanism of action.

1. Echinacea

EchinaceaOn the basis of this herbal product, many drugs have been created for the flu and colds. Among them are Echinacea HEXAL, Echinacea VILAR, Immunal, Immunorm and many others.

Studies have not revealed significant echinacea efficacy in the treatment of ARVI.

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