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The most popular names in Russia and the world

What is the name to give the child? This question torments many future parents from the very first days of pregnancy. Someone seeks to emphasize the uniqueness of their son or daughter the most unusual name... And others are quite satisfied with the common name, the main thing is that it be beautiful and fit the patronymic and surname.

Having studied the statistics of the registry offices for 2017-2018, we have compiled a list of the most popular names in Russia and their meanings. We will also tell you how people in other countries of the world prefer to call their children.

The most popular male names in Russia

10. Cyril

In 2017, the name was more popular, ranking ninth on the list. Cyril is translated from ancient Greek as "lord", and in Persian means "sun".


One of most beautiful male names in the world has ancient Greek roots. Andrew means "brave", "valiant".

8. Novel

Having displaced Andrey from 8th to 9th place of the most popular names, Roman "from Rome" (and this is how this name is translated, derived from the Latin word "Romanus") is confidently moving up in the top ten. Perhaps, by the end of 2019, "Roman" will become the seventh in the list of the most popular names in our country.

7. Daniel

Starting from the seventh place, the positions in the ranking of popular names have remained unchanged since 2017.

The word Daniel comes from the Hebrew Daniel. It is formed from two words: "dan" (judge) and "eel" (God). That is, God is my judge, or God is the judge.

6. Dmitry

A more accurate pronunciation of this name is Demetrius. That is, dedicated to Demeter, the Greek goddess of fertility and patroness of agriculture.

5. Ivan

The simple and glorious name Ivan comes from the important-sounding name John, which translated from Hebrew means "the grace of God" or "the mercy of God."

4. Artem

If the name Dmitry refers to the goddess Demeter, then Artem means "dedicated to Artemis." This is another ancient Greek goddess, just not fertility, like Demeter, but a hunter. Another version of the translation of the name Artem is "perfectly healthy", "unharmed."

3. Maxim

The third most popular name for boys in Russia is not the most modest one. And in the literal sense of the word, because in translation from Latin Maxim means "the greatest."

2. Michael

This name has a very powerful energy. After all, Michael in translation from Hebrew means "He who is like God." The Archangel Michael, who leads the angelic army, bears the same name in the Orthodox tradition.

1. Alexander

Both in 2017 and in 2018, Alexander remained the most popular male name in Russia. Translated from Greek - "protector" or, in an earlier interpretation, "protective husband."

According to the Moscow Civil Registry Office, 2369 boys named Alexandras were born in Moscow last year.

We would venture to suggest that this name will remain the most popular name for boys in 2019.

The most popular female names in Russia

10. Daria

The top ten most popular names for girls in our country are opened by a sonorous and cheerful name. Translated from Persian, it means "possessing good."

9. Elizabeth

This name was borne by many queens, one of which reigns in our time. We are talking about the British Queen Elizabeth II of the Windsor dynasty, who ascended the throne in 1952. The name "Elizabeth" means "worshiper of God" or "oath of God."

8. Victoria

A strong name that has a close connection with the name of the ancient Greek goddess of victory - Niki.

7. Polina

This sonorous female name comes from the even more sonorous Apollinaris, that is, "dedicated to Apollo." In ancient Greece, Apollo was revered as the god of art and divination, as well as the patron saint of immigrants.

6. Ksenia

Xenia was commanded to be hospitable, if not God himself, then one of the meanings of the name xenia. There is another theory: the name Xenia may come from the word xenios - "guest", "stranger".

5. Anastasia

One of the most popular and beautiful female names is a form of the ancient Greek male name Anastas. And it translates as "brought back to life" or "resurrected." A very upbeat name, right?

4. Alice

Unlike most of the other common names on this list, Alice's name is not Greek or Jewish, but Germanic. Translated from ancient Germanic it means "noble".

3. Maria

If in the "men's three" stability from year to year, then in the women's three compared to 2017, there have been changes. The name Maria moved to the third line from the second, but still remains one of the most popular female names.

Its "source" is the Hebrew name Mariam. He has many meanings "beloved", "desired", "stubborn", "mistress" and even "bitter".

2. Anna

In 2017, this name was only the fourth, but in 2018 many, many little Anh appeared in Russia. This beautiful name means "grace", "favor of God."

1. Sofia

The most popular female name in Russia is closely related to the Orthodox faith. Sophia was the name of an early Christian saint, the mother of Hope, Faith and Love. This fashionable name means "wise", "reasonable".

In Moscow alone, in 2018, over 2.5 thousand Sonya were born.

The most popular names in Belarus

The most popular names in BelarusAs in Russia, Belarusians prefer to give their daughters the names Sofia, Anna, Ksenia, Daria and Maria. At the same time, Valery's name is also among the top ten most common names for girls.

Among boys, the leaders are Artyoms, Maxims, Ivans and Daniils.

The most popular names in Ukraine

The most popular names in UkraineAmong the Ukrainians, the leader among the most popular male names is Maxim and Matvey. The names Artem and Maxim are also very popular, they round out the top three in 2018.

Most often, Ukrainian babies are given the names Sofia, Anna, Daria and Zlata. These are the data of the Ukrainian Ministry of Justice at the end of 2018.

Most Popular Muslim Names

Most Popular Muslim NamesOne of (if not the most popular name in the world) is Muhammad or Muhammad. That was the name of the Prophet and Messenger of Allah, to whom the Qur'an, the holy Scripture of Islam, was revealed.

Among the female names popular are Amira ("princess, princess"), Nadira ("rare"), Zulfiya ("pretty") and Gulnara ("pomegranate flower").

Most popular names in the US and UK

Most popular names in UK and USAIn England, boys are often given the name Jack, and the girl is named Olivia. But in the United States, the names Jacob and Emma are more common.

The most popular names in the world

And this is what the picture of the most common names in the world looks like.

The most popular names in Russia and the world

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