home Nature 10 most expensive dog breeds to keep

10 most expensive dog breeds to keep

A UK pet insurance company has identified the most expensive dog breeds in keeping.

The final amount includes:

  • nutrition throughout life (average life expectancy is taken into account),
  • training,
  • insurance of dogs,
  • various accessories.

10. Bearded Collie

3oaarehnThis breed was developed in Great Britain and has long been considered a herding dog. Today, bearded collies are not used for their intended purpose. Now such a dog is the best friend of the family, especially the children.

She just loves playing outdoors. The difficulties of this breed include its long, light coat: it requires regular care, and an ordinary comb cannot be done here.

9. Dwarf Spitz

pz4talhzGermany was originally considered the homeland of the Spitz, but under Queen Victoria they began to breed in England, where breeders paid attention to them. They also bred miniature dwarf spitzes.

These beautiful dogs they are quite picky about the environment: they can hardly tolerate the cold, even drafts are a danger to them, they can also painfully perceive food and water that are unusual for them. Their fluffy coat needs special care, as does their skin prone to dryness.

8. Chinese crested

zvi3aa3yThese dogs are popular all over the world due to their "hypoallergenic": their coat does not shed, like other dogs, and does not have a specific smell. Chinese crested are hairless and downy. If in the second case, special care is not needed, then in the first case, the owners of such a dog will have to spend a lot of money and time.

The fact is that the "crested" skin is very delicate and sensitive, prone to dryness and rashes, so it must be regularly disinfected and smeared with special creams. In their diet, the Chinese Crested are also capricious: their diet must include fresh fruits and vegetables.

7. Japanese Chin

j13c3u12At the first glance at the Japanese Chin, it becomes immediately clear why this dog is included in our rating. The main “trump card” of this breed is its chic, long, silky coat. It does not have a double undercoat, so it is easy to cope with it, but still you cannot do without special tools and devices, for example, a furminator.

Also, the ears and eyes of the Japanese Chin, which are prone to inflammation, require attention.

6. Briard

4x2tovxiBriard is a dog of rather impressive size with decorative appearance. But their appearance is deceiving: they are not at all "domestic" dogs, they just need physical and emotional stress. Otherwise, dogs of this breed become lethargic and lethargic.

The briar's wool is its main pride, therefore, in order for it to have a presentable look, it needs careful care: combing, cutting, etc. Without care, the wool quickly becomes dirty and gets tangled.

5. English Setter

omo4oaonThis is the most common breed from the group of cops. These are quite large dogs, very intelligent and good-natured, easy to train. English Setter puppies will cost you about $ 400, but you will have to spend about $ 96.6 thousand on maintenance.

4. Boxer

ffzugvmyBoxers dangerous dogs, they have a very impressive appearance: massive muscles and a deep chest. But, despite this, they are prone to various diseases, and are considered one of the most hypersensitive dogs to the external environment.

Due to their short hair, they are easily overcooled and overheated, and a weak immune system makes them prone to allergic reactions. In this regard, you will spend 97.3 thousand dollars on vitamins, supplements, clothes for such dogs throughout life.

3. Mastiff

f3lsv55kSome of the most large dogs in the world, with a height of at least 75 cm at the withers, while weighing about 80 kg. The character of dogs of this breed is very individual, some representatives are very stubborn, the degree of socialization of the dog in childhood also affects the behavior, but all are distinguished by a careful attitude towards children.

it the most expensive dogs in the world... The cost of a show-class puppy of the Mastiff breed varies from $ 1,500 to $ 2,000, and the maintenance of such a dog will take about $ 159 thousand.

2. Greyhound

wnugc1i3Greyhound dogs, specializing in very fast short-distance running, while they are quite hardy. These tall dogs (about 72 cm at the withers) are very graceful and have excellent posture. At the same time, three types of breed are distinguished: exhibition, running, hunting, today these types are bred separately.

A show-class puppy will cost about $ 1,700, and lifelong maintenance will cost $ 161,000.

1. Chihuahua is the most expensive dog to keep

ird15e04The smallest breed in the world, weighing from 0.5 to 3 kg, popular with Hollywood stars, Russian pop music and socialites. These dogs are often overly shy, but very easily excitable. Representatives of the breed are very loyal to their owners, they are too jealous.

Elite Chihuahua puppies cost from $ 1200 to $ 2000, and then over the course of the life of the animal, you will have to spend about $ 173 thousand, which includes expensive accessories that are usually bought for these dogs.

A dog is man's best friend. You can't argue with that. She can be a great guard, hunter, au pair, or just a joy to the soul. Some people do not care about the breed, they are ready to love the simplest mongrel, but some lay out exorbitant sums for "well-born" dogs. However, such expensive dogs are not only an expensive pleasure, but also a lot of work that requires money and patience.

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