home Ratings The most expensive cat breeds in the world: photos, prices

The most expensive cat breeds in the world: photos, prices

The fashion for small dogs has passed and a new one has come to replace it - for big cats. In other matters, not only and not so much on large ones as on exotic ones. And, as you know, everything fashionable and popular is expensive, and cat breeds are no exception.

Today, many unusual cats stand like a brand new mid-range car, but this does not diminish their popularity in the least. Would you like yourself a graceful cat, from the list of the most expensive cat breeds in the world?

The average prices for kittens of the breed with a confirmed pedigree, which are on sale in the CIS and America, are indicated.

16. Russian blue cat - $ 400-1000

Russian blue cat, photoOur rating opens with a Russian blue cat. This breed has been revered since the very beginning of its existence, that is, since the time of the ancient Slavs. Initially, it was popular only in Russia, but already at the beginning of the 19th century, thanks to one English breeder, this breed became known all over the world. The Russian blue cat has a docile, calm character, she gets along well with children. The price of such a cat ranges from 400 to 1000 US dollars.

15. Canadian Sphynx - $ 400-1200

Canadian Sphynx, photoThe breed is known for its extremely non-standard appearance, or rather the complete absence of wool. Initially, they were bred so that people who are allergic to wool could keep cats, but nowadays, not only allergy sufferers are among the fans of this breed. Among its features, it should be noted a calm attitude to water, and also, despite the almost complete absence of hair, cats easily tolerate cold. Representatives of this breed sweat all over their bodies, which creates the need to constantly wash them, otherwise they will leave marks on linen and furniture.

14. Serengeti - $ 600-1200

Serengeti cat, photoThis breed is relatively new, it was bred at the end of the last century. This is a hybrid of Bengal and Oriental cats. The result of this crossing came out simply wonderful: the Serengeti has a strong constitution, a rare and graceful spotted color, long limbs and large, truly "thoroughbred" ears. As for their character, these cats are peaceful, not capricious at all and easily adapt to any living conditions. Serengeti cost from 600 to 1200 dollars.

13. Turkish van - $ 1500

Turkish van, photoThe Van cat was chosen as the emblem of the Turkish campaign to join the European Union. It is believed that the Turkish van has been present in the lives of many key figures in Turkish history. Even the favorite of the Prophet Muhammad allegedly belonged to this expensive breed.

12. Laperm - $ 1500

Laperm cat breed, photoThe history of the breed began in 1982. The curly kitten was born due to a natural mutation and became the founder of a new breed. Laperm cats curl not only long silky hair, but also a mustache.

11. Toyger - $ 2000

ToygerThe very name of this beautiful breed speaks for itself. It is consonant with the English word "tiger" this is a tiger. This kitty is really very similar to a tiger, only a smaller copy.Therefore, if you had a dream from childhood to have a wild cat, you can do it, only without risking your life. But such pleasure costs a lot - Toyger's price can sometimes go up to 2000 thousand dollars.

10. American Curl - $ 2000

American Curl, breed photoOpening the top 10 most expensive cat breeds, American Curls come in a wide variety of colors, with a wide variety of coats ranging from short-haired to long-haired. But their peculiarity lies in the ears. They seemed to be turned back on purpose. An interesting fact: at birth, Curl kittens have the most ordinary ears, and only after a few days they acquire their characteristic shape.

9. Kao-mani Diamond Eye - $ 2500

Khao-mani breed Diamond eye, photo of a catThis breed has a very impressive pedigree, according to which the Kao-mani have long been the favorites of royalty. Which is quite understandable: such cats have a very noble, aristocratic appearance. They have silky, snow-white fur, and deep, incredibly beautiful eyes. The eyes are their "highlight": they are often very unusual colors, or both eyes can be of different colors. Despite their "royal" past, Kao-mani are very smart, well-trained and not picky about living conditions.

8. Maincoon - $ 2500

Mainecoon is the heaviest cat breedThis cat is known for its size and is recognized as the largest breed in the world (by weight), some individuals reach a weight of 17 kg. This breed is not the result of complex breeding activities, it originated naturally in New England thanks to the harsh winters that favored the survival of large cats with long hair. Maincoons are distinguished by their special affection, playfulness, suspicion of strangers. The minimum cost of kittens is $ 1,700, but can rise to $ 2,500.

7. Mainx tailless - $ 2700

Pictured is the Mainx tailless catThis expensive breed originated on the isolated Isle of Man in the Irish Sea. Why these cats lack tails is not known for certain. According to legend, these cats were the last ones who got into Noah's ark, where the poor fellows were simply pinched by the door.

6. Elf - $ 3000

Elf cat, photoThe appearance of elf cats is rather repulsive. Folds of bare skin and huge curled ears evoke associations with alien intelligence and fantasy novels. The breed is relatively young, she is only 6 years old, but is already extremely popular among the stars of politics and show business.

5. Peterbald - $ 3500

The most expensive Russian cat breed - PeterbaldHairless Petersburg cats are the pride of Russian felinology. Flexible graceful body, elongated muzzle and long tail are highly prized in the USA and Europe. Another advantage of these peculiar creatures is their hypoallergenicity, although doctors say that a reaction in humans can be caused not only by the pet's fur, but also, for example, by its saliva.

4. Bengal cat - $ 3,500

Bengal catThe Bengal cat appeared by crossing the wild Bengal (Far Eastern) and domestic cats. Due to a rather close relationship with wild cats, Bengals have a very developed hunting instinct, but at the same time they get along well with other animals. Very playful throughout life, the coat requires little maintenance. Elite kittens of this breed cost about $ 3000, and sometimes the price goes up to $ 5000.

3. Burmilla - $ 4000

Burmilla, photoA cross between Persian and Burmese cats has silvery fur and an expressive appearance. The breed was bred quite by accident in the early 1980s, but very soon became popular among European aristocrats.

2. Chausie - $ 10000

Chausie cat, photoPerhaps one of the rarest domestic cats in the world. Chausie is a hybrid of a swamp lynx and an Abyssinian cat. Characteristic features of this breed include long limbs, large ears and short hair. These cats are not only beautiful and graceful, but also incredibly smart. Despite their wild ancestors, they easily get along with both children and other domestic animals. Chausie's price ranges from 8 to 10 thousand dollars.

1. Savannah - up to $ 22,000

Savannah is the most expensive cat in the worldToday the most expensive cat breed in the world - Savannah... This is a very stately cat with a noble appearance, looking at the photo one can hardly say that it is suitable for keeping at home.In fact, these cats can adapt to different conditions with great ease. At home, they feel comfortable and enjoy communicating with the owner and other pets. But remember that they love to be outdoors and need space to feel comfortable. Since this cat breed is the most expensive in the world, its price can be as high as $ 22,000.

No matter how many breeds of cats there are in this world, each of them is an individuality, each has its own character. At least for this you can love them. Some believe that it is enough to get a cat without focusing on its pedigree, while others are ready to shell out a fortune for a cat of one breed or another. Everyone decides for himself. But it is always worth remembering that this is not a toy, but a living being, with its own thoughts and feelings.

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