home Ratings Literacy rating of officials of the Russian Federation

Literacy rating of officials of the Russian Federation

Employees of the Pushkin Russian Language Institute, together with the Ministry of Communications, conducted a study of the literacy of public statements. Moreover, the speech was not analyzed by TV presenters, journalists and actors - no, we are talking about politicians.

The study analyzed the public speech of politicians presented in news and analytical programs on radio and television. After analyzing 21 ratings, the most famous and influential people were selected, who were divided into four categories according to their positions. Errors in their public statements (in news and analytical TV and radio programs) have been counted, analyzed and put in order. The lower the coefficient, the more mistakes politicians make per unit of time.

This is how it looks literacy rating of officials of the Russian Federation.

4. Heads of subjects of the Federation: coefficient 2.3

Governors and presidents of the republics speak Russian the worst. They misplace the stress in words (“ringing” or “ringing”), love the letter “e” and use it where necessary and where not (“akadEmiya”, “debats”), get confused in management (“a lot of money for this” ) and education of a comparative degree ("kinder than we"), (they creatively rework phraseological units ("cast a shadow at honest people"), and they also love constructions in the spirit of "it was raining and two gunners" and words-parasites.

3. Heads of municipalities: 6.3

They make the same mistakes as the heads of the subjects of the Federation, but there are also distinctive signs. For example, an abundance of tautology (“correct mastering is also correct”) or mistakes in pronouncing complex words like “incident”. Also, officials of regional administrations of cities like to use the plural instead of the only one (“food shortages”), make mistakes in the formation of words (for example, use the reflexive suffix “-sya” where it is not needed) and incline numbers incorrectly. The logical sequence of officials' speech also suffers.

2. Deputies of the State Duma: 6.4

iydo4r2qIn addition to mistakes common to politicians, deputies often violate the lexical collocation of words ("form a question"), use the wrong prepositions ("from the regions"), and generally prefer to speak "reduced Russian" - they like vernacular and colloquial versions of words ("finally," "Nicho", etc.) and abundantly decorate their speech with words-parasites and particles "they say" and "here".

1. Federal ministers: 9.4

tot3hq2lThe top officials of the state are also in the lead in this rating. They are expressed almost flawlessly competently, making mistakes only in the stress of some words. Phraseological units also suffer, paronyms are confused with each other (for example, "competitive" and "competitive"), the norms of management and construction of sentences are violated. In general, we can say that statesmen express themselves more or less competently. Moreover, scientists note that they have a rich vocabulary, syntactically diverse speech, and the train of thought is generally understandable for listeners. However, it doesn't hurt to attend a couple of trainings and look into the dictionary more often.

According to scientists, the public speech of politicians, along with books, films and television programs, can serve as a role model for the population of the country (it is scary to imagine what damage to the norms of the Russian language was done by V. Chernomyrdin in his time).By the quality of the speech of politicians, the population can judge their working qualities and the competence of the governing bodies as a whole.

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