home Ratings Ranking of the armies of the world 2018, a complete list of the strongest armies

Ranking of the armies of the world 2018, a complete list of the strongest armies

A powerful and efficient army is a guarantee of the country's significant weight in the international arena. Moreover, in connection with the well-known events in Syria and Ukraine, more and more attention is paid to the military power of different countries. Many people ask the question: "Who will win the world war?"

Today we present an annually updated, official ranking of the armies of the world, the full list includes the most powerful armies in the world in 2018.

Read updated ranking of armies of the world 2019 according to Globalfirepower.

GlobalfirepowerThe top 10 was compiled according to the specialized resource Globalfirepower.

When compiling a rating, comparison includes:

  • number of armies in the world (regular number of troops, reservists)
  • weapons (planes, helicopters, tanks, navy, artillery, other equipment)
  • military budget,
  • resource availability, geographic location,
  • logistics.

The experts do not take into account the nuclear potential, but the recognized nuclear powers get a ranking advantage.

In 2018, the rating included136 countries. Newcomers to the list are Ireland (116), Montenegro (121) and Liberia (135 position).

By the way, San Marino has the weakest army in the world in 2018 - only 84 people.

10. Army of Germany

Germany - 10 on the listGermany's military budget increased from $ 45 billion to $ 46 billion. At the same time, the number of military personnel decreased - from186 up to 178 thousand people. The German army is completely professional, i.e. there has been no compulsory conscription in the country since 2011.

9. Turkish Armed Forces

Turkey ranks 9th in the list of the strongest armies in the worldIn the past, the top armies of the world, the country of luxurious beaches and beautiful tomatoes occupied the eighth line. The number of its armed forces is 350 thousand people, and the military budget is 10.2 billion dollars.

8. Japan Self-Defense Forces

Japan - 8th lineThe Land of the Rising Sun worsened its military performance and dropped one line in the list of the best armies in the world. The military budget has decreased from 49 to 44 billion dollars, but the number of servicemen has not changed - over 247 thousand people.

7.South Korean Army

South Korea - 7th place in the rankingCompared to the previous rating, South Korea jumped from 10th to 7th place. The Korean army has 625,000 troops. The eternal rival, North Korea, has 945,000 soldiers. And the defense budget of South Korea is $ 40 billion.

6. British Army

Great Britain is the smallest army among the strongestAlthough the country's position on the list has not changed, it has improved its indicators in terms of the size of the army (197 thousand people against 188 thousand people). Nevertheless, it still remains the smallest army in the ranking.

The military budget of England decreased in comparison with 2017 from 55 to 50 billion dollars.

5. Army of France

French army in the ranking of armies in 2018The French army, which opened the top 5 most powerful armies in the world, is small in number. Currently, 205 thousand people serve in it. At the same time, the country's defense budget is $ 40 billion.


4. Armed Forces of India

IndiaThe military budget of the country is $ 47 billion.The Indian armed forces have 1,362,000 people, and the country's army is the third largest in the world.

3. Army of China

The Chinese army is the most numerous in the ranking of armies in the worldThe Celestial Empire has the largest human military force in the ranking of the world's armies. It has 2,183,000 people. According to Wikipedia, there are 1.71 military personnel per 1000 inhabitants of the Celestial Empire. And China's military budget is huge, matching the army - $ 151 billion (increased from $ 126 billion compared to 2017). 


2. Army of Russia

The Russian army is the strongest in spiritThe Russian armed forces surpass practically all the armies of the countries of the world in terms of the power of weapons in all branches of the military - air, land and sea. The size of the Russian army for 2018 is 1,013,000 people. The military budget is $ 47 billion. Among the superpowers, Russia has a very high number of military personnel per 1000 inhabitants - 5.3 people.

1. US Army

USA is the strongest army in the worldThe strongest army in the world, according to Globalfirepower, American. By the way, it is not the largest in number, but the most powerful in terms of the available weapons, including the nuclear potential not considered by experts. The US Army has 1,281,900 troops and a defense budget of $ 647 billion. dollars.

Comparison table of the armies of the world (Infographic)

2018 Military Strength Ranking

No matter how armed the army is, the fighting spirit of the soldiers will play an important role in winning a world war. In this regard, it is a big mistake to consider the current distribution of seats to be absolutely correct.


  1. Honestly, I am offended that we are only in the army and that there are a lot of pitfalls, these are purely numbers, but in real life.
    We would have to change the mentality and then we will be in the first place in everything.

    • The mentality is like that now. "Everyone wants to attack us", "all the enemies around", "everyone hates us", "everyone envies us", "we are great Russians", "we need an even larger army for protection, as I say to you." "and? Attacked Ukraine? To return their territories! ", " and? Have they brought an army into Syria to remain a monopoly on oil and gas supplies to Europe? No! We want to clear it of terrorists! I'm telling you exactly! "," You increase your army to participate in local conflicts! - this cannot be, we are the most peaceful nation and we are building it to defend ourselves! Russophobes! "

      What I want to say. At the moment, the country is dominated by nationalist views (hatred of Ukrainians, Americans. Contempt for Transcaucasia (Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan).
      And a condescending attitude towards Europe, like "oh, those gayropeans, what can you take from these peoples?"
      Hypocrisy (condemning NATO for participating in and organizing conflicts while supporting our government for the same)
      Support for the country's aggressive policy, and complain that everyone does not trust and dislike our country.
      In principle, our mentality is the result of the beginning of the aggressive and expansionary policy of the Russian Empire. Later Aggressive-expansionary policy of the USSR (make a world revolution and spread this revolution in any way)
      And the current government is a product of Soviet times.
      I think the situation will change in a couple of decades, when people who were not born in the USSR come to power, with a clear mind, and who know that now the one with the stronger economy, not the army, is right. Because because of the globalization of the economy, the war will simply undermine the trade of billionaires and bankrupt them. And given that the oligarchs in the United States are practically the second power, they are unlikely to be happy about the war.

    • Semyon, your delirium only makes you sigh, is it possible that someone is still paying for your blizzard. I hope it pays, otherwise you just don't. This was especially upsetting: “Because due to the globalization of the economy, the war will simply undermine the trade of billionaires and bankrupt them. And given that the oligarchs in the United States are practically the second power, they are unlikely to be happy about the war. " Get ready better, study global processes in the world, in the end, study history, especially the US economy during WW2, otherwise I just wanted to believe you, but could not, some "clear minds".

    • Read more carefully, the rating by GlobalFirePower. The infographics are drawn from their data.

  2. It would be better if we were in 2nd place in terms of the standard of living of the population, and not 2nd in terms of the armed forces ..

    • Sergei is completely right, and you Anna will first learn to write in Russian, otherwise because of people like you the Soviet Union did not become, the strongest army and a huge number of atomic weapons did not help the USSR, and because of people like you Russia will not become, the army is too expensive Russia in service, as for the USSR.

    • You ought to learn Russian yourself! Such as you and will sell Russia for three kopecks!

    • Immediately you can see a dull student. Ancient Rome was in 1st place in the world both in terms of living standards and in economy and technology. And what happened to him when his army was morally decayed? The Incas, Aztecs and Mayans held a confident first place in terms of living standards in their region. And what happened to them when the conquistadors came with a powerful army? Life is a fight. Fierce struggle. And your "it would be better if they were in the first place in terms of living standards" - this is a stupid envious vyager of a lazy poor student - a liberal who wants everything and does nothing at once. Work, take risks and you will personally have the first place in the world in terms of living standards. If specifically you yourself deserve it, of course))

  3. Obviously, as a joke, they put North Korea in 35th place. This is essentially a militaristic state. At least 4th, in extreme cases 5th in the world.

  4. Why has Russia overtaken China? Look in the table and compare, Russia surpasses them only in tanks and a little bit in airplanes and in nuclear charges, and the Chinese in numbers, budget and submarines. Probably the matter is in nuclear charges ...

    • 3 = 3 but you are right decides weapons of mass destruction because with weapons of mass destruction you can reduce the number of military and civilians. I hope it doesn't come to this

  5. Why are you chatting dkmaete that there are few people living in Korea, an army of a little more than a million in stock of another 25 million men!

  6. of course, the strength of the Russian army is in the top three or even two))) but other indicators seem to be lame ... or I just don't like the Russian army

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