home Nature The best mosquito repellent in an apartment and outdoors

The best mosquito repellent in an apartment and outdoors

Many people buy repellents from the store to get rid of mosquitoes, but they often contain toxic substances that can cause allergic reactions.

Introducing you best mosquito repellentare the most effective remedies to keep mosquitoes at bay.

7. Citronella oil

j0lh2a1kCitronella essential oil is one of the most effective repellents. Has a strong scent reminiscent of lemon balm or lemon. All you have to do to keep out mosquitoes is to fill your aroma lamp with oil, add it to a scented candle, or put a few drops of oil on your clothes.

6. Lavender oil

mspvcnvtThe smell of lavender is pleasant to many people, and mosquitoes hate it. To keep mosquitoes away, add a couple of drops of lavender to your hand cream, or apply to a cotton pad and place near an open window and bed. To enhance the "anti-mosquito" effect, you can mix 30 drops of geranium and lavender oils in a small spray bottle filled with distilled water and take the bottle with you outdoors.

5. Rosemary for barbecue

rmtate3jMosquitoes can spoil the impression of barbecues in the country, but there is an easy way to make the meat more flavorful, and at the same time get rid of the winged bloodsuckers. Toss a few stalks of rosemary over hot coals, they will give off a scent that mosquitoes won't like.

4. Garlic

xuhbpykjDouble-acting agent: repels both mosquitoes and unwanted interlocutors. True, a romantic date can also interfere. Therefore, you can not eat garlic inside, but cut it into slices and spread it in places where bloodsucking insects appear. You can also crush a few cloves of garlic, boil in water and use the water to spray around the room. If you like to take risks (or really hate mosquitoes), you can spray garlic water on yourself to avoid getting bitten.

3. Neem oil

g020jytxThe top three mosquito repellents include oil extracted from the nim (margoza) tree found in the Indian subcontinent. A study published in an issue of the journal of the American Association for the Control of Mosquitoes found that mixing neem oil with coconut oil in a 1 to 1 ratio is a good way to ward off mosquitoes. When applied to your skin, it will protect you from mosquito bites for up to eight hours. However, neem oil is not suitable for pregnant women, children under 5, and breastfeeding women.

2. Eucalyptus and lemon oils

sigztwglThe best mosquito repellent in nature. Recommended by the American Centers for Disease Control as an effective insect repellent. The mixture of lemon and eucalyptus oils works because of the active ingredient cineole, which has both antiseptic and insecticidal properties when applied to the skin. The best part about this mixture is that it doesn't have all the negative effects of chemical mosquito repellents. To use it, mix equal proportions of lemon oil and eucalyptus oil and apply a small amount on the body.

1. Tea tree oil

jac2tzk1Tops the top 7 natural mosquito repellents.It has numerous benefits for the skin and hair, and is also a potent antibacterial and antifungal agent. The smell of the oil will protect against mosquito attacks (although it can ward off some people, as not everyone likes this strong and pungent scent). To use this remedy, you can either rub a small amount into the skin or add a few drops to the aroma lamp. This will release the scent of tea tree oil into the air and drive mosquitoes out of the house. This is the best mosquito repellent in the apartment. Some people are sensitive to the presence of essential oils applied directly to the skin. If you are one of them, try diluting your tea tree oil with a base oil (such as olive oil or jojoba oil).


  1. I also like tea tree oil, although this is not for everybody. I always have a supply in the aroma lamp in my house. But for the street, I prefer to use a mosquito killer, as often the wind carries the smell to the side and mosquitoes still fly in.

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