home Food and drink The best foods for vegetarians

The best foods for vegetarians

There are more and more people wanting to stop eating meat - now sales of vegan products are at their peak. This is due to various factors: some believe that eating plant foods "raises" them to heaven and increases prana (means "breath", "life"), while others care about the preservation of animals. It is difficult to say how many percent are vegetarians worldwide, but it is known that 40% of India's population is vegan.

If you, too, fear the extinction of species and are a fighter for the prosperity of all life on Earth, then we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the 10 best foods for vegetarians. It is recommended to include these products in the menu.

10. Soy meat

ovrc5kxiCalories per 100 g: 296 kcal.

More and more often there are those who want to replace their usual meat with soy - the leader of our top. Since ancient times, this product was included in the dishes of Asian countries, but today it has become popular in our country. Despite the fact that a meat product made from soybeans loses to meat of animal origin in taste, it is not inferior to it in terms of a set of nutrients.

Soy meat is one of the top 10 foods for obese people. The composition of the product includes: vitamins of groups H, B, E. In addition, the meat product contains phosphorus, calcium, iron, magnesium, which are so necessary for humans. Not only vegetarians, but also those who want to lose weight, can include soy meat in their diet, because it is extremely low in fat.

9. Tofu

vqdj5brmCalorie content per 100 g: 73 kcal.

If you still do not know what tofu is, then we will tell you. The product is a curd (or cheese) mass, and is familiar to all vegetarians. Tofu came to Russia from China, where it is one of the most popular foods. In restaurants and shops in China, tofu is sold in a variety of forms and with various additives: pickled, fried, in the form of chips, with mushrooms, with cherries - choose to your taste!

Acceptable portion per day: 100 g, although the Chinese advise consuming more of it, because tofu is very healthy. If you check the list of useful properties of this product, then the Chinese are not lying, tofu is an excellent source of high quality protein. It contains all 9 amino acids that people need to consume to maintain their health. In Russia, tofu is mainly sold in hard form, although it can also be soft.

8. Beans

smt0dk3zCalories per 100 g: 14 kcal.

Beans are a very tasty and healthy legume that is often included in the menu of athletes. Due to the versatility of the bean product, various dishes are willingly prepared with it: soups, salads, baked goods, etc. It is noteworthy that in the world production of legumes, beans take the 1st place: 9 million tons of beans are grown on 20 million hectares - impressive figures!

In ancient Greece, bean stew was considered a dish for the poor, but now everything has changed - many peoples of the world necessarily include beans in the menu of restaurants. The legume product contains a lot of protein (22% dry matter), which is equal in nutritional value to meat protein. Depending on the type of grain, beans have a high content of minerals: phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, as well as trace elements: copper, zinc, etc.

7. Oatmeal

f1ondcv5Calorie content per 100 g: 102 kcal.

For many, oatmeal is an indispensable breakfast dish. It is nutritious and healing. The most popular is oats - it has a high percentage of fat (6.2%) and contains a lot of phosphorus and magnesium. To diversify the taste of porridge, they usually add: nuts, berries, grated chocolate, etc., but there are also more interesting solutions.

Oatmeal can be cooked:

  • on almond milk;
  • with coconut;
  • with apple roast;
  • with blueberries;
  • in a jar with fruit pieces.

These are just some of the ideas on how to cook oatmeal - there are many more cooking options. Oatmeal was on this list for a reason - porridge is a useful source of carbohydrates, a true vegetarian-athlete, glad to oatmeal at any time of the day! In addition, there are now many varieties of porridge, among which there are those that can be used as a filler for smoothies.

6. Cashews

gzv4np2eCalorie content per 100 g: 600 kcal.

Adherents of vegetarianism know firsthand what health benefits the cashew nut has. Cashews naturally grow in the east of Brazil. In his homeland, delicious and unusual nuts are used in cooking and medicine. Regular consumption of nuts benefits the entire body: it strengthens the immune system, normalizes digestion, etc.

In addition, cashews perfectly support the nervous system thanks to the interacting unsaturated fatty acids: Omega 9, Omega 3 and Omega 6. The nut contains 73% of the daily value of magnesium, which is responsible for muscle contractions. Cashews are considered the most delicious of all nuts, so vegetarians are happy to make cream, milk from it, add it to desserts, etc.

5. Dried fruits

s1lqa4poCalorie content per 100 g: 200-250 kcal.

The kcal index in dried fruits is higher than in the original product, however, the concentration of useful elements in a small portion is higher than in pears, grapes or apples. In the process of natural drying, pieces of fruits and berries are reduced in size due to the evaporation of water, but the amount of carbohydrates does not change, therefore, the calorie value becomes higher.

Not a single vegetarian can do without dried fruits in winter - they draw energy from them and replace them with sweets that are rarely vegan. Dried apricots, peanuts, dates, raisins - choose what you like best! Dried fruits can be eaten as a separate dish or added to oatmeal. Dried fruits are rich in magnesium, potassium, iron, iodine, etc., which, as we know, are so important for humans.

Note! The beneficial properties for the human body of each type of dried fruit differ from each other.

4. Peanut butter

y1ereadkCalories per 100 g: 530 kcal.

Please note that the calorie content of peanut butter is shown using the example of Nutella products.

You've probably all seen how in American movies people spread something pasty on bread for breakfast. This is peanut butter - a product that is popular not only with vegans, but also with other people. Peanut butter is delicious and nutritious. To eat, you need very little of it. A characteristic feature of the product is the peanut flavor.

Peanut butter contains:

  • fats - 51%;
  • proteins - 25%;
  • carbohydrates - 11%.

It is noteworthy that the pasta was invented in 1890 in the United States - initially for medical purposes for those who are contraindicated in meat. Later, pasta also became popular among vegetarians. It is not surprising, because it can be added to porridge, eaten with fruits (if you cut them into small pieces and anoint them with pasta, the fruits will sparkle with new notes).

3. Seaweed

gh20nov4Caloric content per 100 g: 49 kcal.

By maintaining a healthy diet, vegetarians cannot do without seaweed. This is a very useful and low-calorie product, rich in iodine (in 100 g of cabbage 300-480 mcg). For the first time, the Japanese learned about seaweed and its beneficial properties - today the country is the leader in the production of kelp.

In the 90s, in the regions of Russia, one could see canned seaweed on store shelves - it was eaten with pleasure with boiled potatoes, added to salads.This product was very helpful for the hostesses. Now kelp is no less relevant, especially among vegans. The benefits of using kelp are especially noticeable during the spring beriberi: the skin becomes velvety, nails are strengthened, and the hair thickens.

2. Brown rice

tipfmvuoCalories per 100 g: 337 kcal.

In the kitchen, a vegan should always have the best foods, one of which is brown (aka brown) rice. Unlike white, brown takes longer to cook (after boiling water it is boiled for about 30 minutes, some varieties are boiled even longer - 45 minutes), but it is also healthier. Brown rice is an excellent source of phosphorus, zinc and magnesium. All of these substances are very important because are human building materials.

Well-cooked brown rice acquires a delicate nutty aroma, while some varieties have a fruity flavor, which makes it compatible with a variety of dishes. It is recommended for an adult to consume no more than 200 g of rice per day for women and no more than 250 g for men, up to 2-3 times a week. More frequent consumption of brown rice threatens with stool retention and bloating.

1. Bananas

ocarrjizCaloric content per 100 g: 96 kcal.

Bananas are a versatile and inexpensive product that should always be included in the diet of vegans, because they can be used to make a variety of dishes: ice cream, sandwiches (made from bananas and peanut butter), healthy smoothies. Bananas contain serotonin, a mood-boosting substance that fights depression.

In addition, the fruit is high in potassium, which is beneficial for muscles, heart and brain. Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, E, contained in bananas, have a beneficial effect on nails, hair, skin and vision. Research from the University of Taiwan has shown that bananas need not be separated from the peel; they are also edible. Straight with the skin of them, you can cook smoothies in a blender, because it is in it that even more potassium is stored than in the pulp.

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