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20 most common spelling mistakes

Everyone from elementary school students to wise professors makes spelling mistakes from time to time. And if few people will notice a couple of "ashibak" and "ochepyatok" in a large text, then the regular violation of the rules of the Russian language already suggests that the person did not study well at school.

We present you the top 20 most common spelling mistakes in the Russian language.

Put on clothes

How to: put on clothes

You've probably heard the easy-to-remember (mnemonic) rule about “put on” and “put on”. They put on Hope and put on clothes.

It's funny that in the film "The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!" the main character Nadezhda, a teacher of Russian language and literature, says: "My dress, I forgot to wear a festive dress."

Company and campaign

Getting it right: context dependent

One of the most common spelling mistakes in Russian is associated with homophones - words that are heard the same way but are spelled differently. And they have different meanings.

  • When we talk about a company, we mean a group of people. Or a commercial or industrial enterprise.
  • But when it comes to a campaign, then this word means any military event conducted by the state during the war. Or a set of measures that are aimed at solving an important economic, political or social problem (for example, a presidential campaign).


How to do it right: boyfriend

When you see the word "groomer" in the text, an association arises with a worm that crawls into the ear and slowly gnaws holes in it. Or with a sadist eating the ears of his victims.

But the word "suitor" has a beautiful test word - "courting".

For this and for this

Getting it right: context dependent

If you use "because" in the meaning of a reason (because, for a reason), then you need to write the word together.

If after "from that" comes the word to be defined, then the word must be written separately. Example: I ran away from that snake because I took him for a viper.

During and in conclusion

Getting it right: context dependent

As the character of one of the jokes said: “Children, it is impossible to understand this! Just remember! " In fact, you can understand this, just the explanation will be boring and you will probably get tired of reading it.

So just remember: we write "in the current" when it comes to the direction of movement of the water. And "in custody" - when it comes to a prisoner, that is, a person who is in prison.

In all other cases, the letter "e" must be written at the ends of these words.


How to do it right: cute

If you don't notice that Microsoft Word and other text editors underline this word with the letter "o" in the middle as misspelled, then perhaps remember that there is a test word. Sympathy.


Correctly: one

I confess that this mistake haunted me until grade 3 at school. But many people do it in adulthood.And all you need to remember is that the word “unit” has test words - “one”, “one”.

Same and also

Getting it right: context dependent

If you doubt how to write the word "also" correctly - together or separately - then mentally replace it with the conjunction "and". If it works, then the word must be written together. And if after the word "the same" follows the union "how", then it is written separately. Exactly the same as in this sentence.

Tsya and tsya in verbs

How to do it: depends on which question the verb answers

Admit it, have you made this mistake at least once? If so, don't worry - you are not alone in this! In Runet, they confuse "tsya and tsya" and old and young.

You may not be confused. It is enough to mentally answer the question, which question does the verb answer.

  • If the question is “what is doing” or “what will be done”, then the word is written without a soft sign. For example: he admires you.
  • And if the question "what to do" or "what to do" - then with a soft one. For example: he wants to admire you.

Excuse me

Correct: sorry

Well, for the first time, you can excuse. And in the future, you need to remember that we are talking about offense, and not about a vein in the human body, and not even about the city of Vienna.


Correct: here

Why some people write the resounding word "here" as a threateningly muffled "here" is a mystery to me. Perhaps the spirits of ancient Slavic ancestors speak in them, who wrote this word "cdese" in the meaning of "this".

As if, as if

How is it right: as if

These two words are always written separately. Short and simple, right?


How to do it right: girl

The suffix "-onk" is used when we want to emphasize the small size of an animate or inanimate object.

Perhaps, by ear, words with this suffix sound better with "-enk", but they are still written with "-onk".

Chtoli, hardly, chtoli

How to do it right: perhaps, hardly, almost

We pronounce these words together, which creates the feeling that they are written this way. But according to the rules of the Russian language, this trinity of particles is written separately from the adverb "li". Always. And they don't even need a hyphen.

Why and why

Getting it right: context dependent

Remember the final dialogue between Agent Smith and Neo in The Matrix Revolution? It began like this:

- Why, Mr. Anderson, why? In the name of what? What are you doing? Why, why are you getting up? Why do you keep fighting?

Now, if Agent Smith asked: “What are you standing up for? What are you continuing to fight for? ", Then perhaps Neo would not have found an answer to him. After all, the word “for what” is written separately in the context of “behind some obstacle” (house, wall, etc.).

If we use "why", meaning "why", then this word must be written together.


How to do it: in general

Sometimes the word "in general" acts as an introductory word, and then it has the meaning "in essence", "in essence". But more often it is an adverb, and has the meaning "in general", "without touching on the details." And in both cases it is written separately.


How to do it right: come

This verb is one of the oldest among all Indo-European languages. And once it sounded like this: "go." And as soon as they did not write him: and come, and go, and even come. However, in our time, only one way of writing is correct - to come.

To make

How to do it right: do

Many people are used to pronouncing this word as "create one". Alas, this is the case when it is not written the way it is heard. In this case, the letter "c" is a prefix. And there is no prefix "z" in Russian morphemics.


The right way: Thailand

This is one of the most common spelling mistakes on the Runet. We write "Thais" and "Thai", but the name of the country is still Thailand. But you must admit that with the letter "y" this word sounds nicer.

By the way, many tour operators and advertising agencies, knowing about the habit of Russians to write Thailand instead of Thailand, use exactly the wrong spelling on the pages of their sites in order to stay in the first lines of search results.

Ice cream, ice cream

Getting it right: ice cream

Summer has come, which means that we began to pronounce and write the word ice cream much more often than in winter. It is a noun, and it is spelled with one letter "n".

But if "ice cream" is a passive participle (trout, frozen in the refrigerator, frozen product, defrosted freezer), then a double letter "n" appears.

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