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10 most armored tanks in World of Tanks

In order to quickly pass all the levels of World of Tanks, the cult world game about tanks, it is necessary to take into account many characteristics of the chosen vehicle. Cannon power, stealth, speed are some of the most important indicators, but you should not forget about armor.

The ideal combination is the fusion of 2 characteristics: the firepower of the cannon and its armored hull. Based on the gaming experience of many users, we present list of the most armored tanks in the game World of Tanks all 10 levels.

Level 1: MS-1 (16 mm hull, 16 mm turret)

MS-1The first stage provides a small number of tanks. It is very difficult to choose which one is the best. But user experience shows that you have to choose between the MC-1 and T1 models.

MS-1 is a tank of our production, one of the best Tier 1 vehicles. Of course, it also has its drawbacks, such as speed and viewing angle, but it is considered the most armored. The power of the cannon will take away a maximum of 36 units, and the thickness of the armor of 16 millimeters will help keep life intact.

An alternative to the MC-1 is the T1, an American-built vehicle with the best firepower and movement speed. The model is equipped with 14 mm armor and a standard cannon with a strength of 36 units.

Level 2: PT T18 (hull 50 mm, turret 31 mm)

PT T18The most armored tanks of the second stage of World of Tanks are the PT-T18 and Hotchkiss H35 models with armor hull thickness of 50 and 40 millimeters, respectively. The American PT-T18 tank will make it possible to break through to the enemy base, since it also has a powerful 40 mm cannon in its range.

The French model Hotchkiss H35 is less durable, but faster. The armor on it is distributed evenly over the hull and turret, while the others always have only the hull stronger fortified, and the turret is the main target for the enemy. On such a machine, it is not scary to attack the enemy without any strategy.

Level 3: AMX-38 (building 60, tower 40)

AMX-38To pass the third level, professionals advise to choose the T-46 and AMX-38 models. Both tanks are the most armored in stage 3. But remember that they are very slow so it is best to play with a fast car.

T-46 is a technique of Soviet origin. It features the fastest movement and a powerful cannon that can take away from the enemy as much as 50 units of the life scale. The hull has armor of 15 millimeters.

The AMX-38 is the most armored tank of the third tier with a protective layer of steel of 60 millimeters, but very slow. In addition, his gun has a high coefficient of imprecision. However, one shot of her can take 70 health units from the enemy.

Level 4: Т40 (building 51, tower 38)

T40The most armored tanks of the fourth level of the game are representatives of German and American production. At this stage, the technique already has more serious characteristics than at the previous ones. The choice should be taken with the greatest care and preparation.

Hetzer is one of the most armored Tier 4 tanks. Its protection is 45 millimeters thick. The power of the cannon is capable of inflicting damage of 400 health units. Another advantage of the technique is its speed and maneuverability.

The most armored tank of the fourth stage of World of Tanks of American origin called T40. It is a heavy and clumsy vehicle with the thickest armor of 51 millimeters. The choice is given to 2 types of guns: one less accurate, but with a maximum damage of 185 units, and the other is more accurate, but with a maximum damage of 115 units.

Level 5: AT 2 (building 152, tower 76)

AT 2Having passed the 4 previous stages of the game, you will gain a very important experience that you will need in the future. The 5th level offers to choose from two models of Soviet and English origin. Be sure to pay attention to the type of terrain. The more open space, the faster the technique must be.

The most armored tank is the British legend AT-2. In a closed and tight area, this machine is capable of withstanding a whole platoon of opponents. 152 millimeters - the thickness of the heavyweight armor. However, his sluggishness can be a serious drawback in combat.

KV-1 possesses good indicators of speed and security. The turret armor is 110 millimeters thick. The maximum power of the weapon will take away 100 enemy units in one shot. It is well suited for mixed fights on all types of terrain, although it is less armored.

Level 6: AT 8 (building 200, tower 100)

AT 8The next stage will delight players with special types of British and Soviet armored vehicles. Real heavyweights are now available, ready to break the defenses of any enemy. But now they have become even slower due to their enormous weight.

The British AT-8, the most armored vehicle at level 6, will help you to go to the break and ignore the oncoming shots. The thickness of the steel that protects the hull is 200 millimeters, the maximum damage to the enemy from the cannon is 190 units.

The next heavyweight is the domestic KV-2 model. It combines 2 main indicators - armor and shot power. Steel has a thickness of 75 millimeters, and the maximum damage is 360 units.

Level 7: AT 7 (building 200, tower 100)

AT 7The most armored Tier 7 tanks are from Great Britain. They are similar in characteristics, differing only by a small difference in the thickness of the protective steel and firepower.

The AT-7 will cause a lot of problems for opponents with lighter vehicles. It has balanced indicators such as armor and maneuverability. For one shot, 280 units of enemy health are taken away. The thickness of the steel is 200 millimeters.

The Black Prince has a less powerful cannon - the damage is 190 units, but the best movement speed. The armor is inferior to the AT-7 by only 48 millimeters. If you use these two tanks in pairs, the victory will be in your pocket.

Level 8: KV-4 (building 180, tower 180)

KV-4The next level offers 2 of the most armored domestic tanks. The further you advance, the less characteristics the heaviest vehicles in the game have. Bets are placed on the ability to drive the selected car.

The IS-3 is a Soviet heavyweight with excellent performance. The thickness of the tower is 249 millimeters, it perfectly saves from average hits. But the enemy will have a hard time, one volley will take 530 HP from him.

The KV-4 is undoubtedly the most armored Tier 8 tank. 180 millimeters - the thickness of the protection of both the hull and the turret. Unlike the IS-3, this car moves much faster. However, the damage of the KV-4 is 110 units less.

Level 9: Е-75 (building 160, tower 252)

E-75The terrain of the next stage assumes the presence of many buildings and structures. In such conditions, it is worth focusing on heavy equipment. The most armored tanks of the 9th level are the German and Soviet models, which differ only in combat power.

The T-54 tank is less armored than the German representative. The thickness of its turret defense is 240 millimeters. The maximum damage that can be inflicted on the enemy is 420 health units.

The E-75 tank is slightly better protected than the T-54. The thickness of the steel of his armor is 252 millimeters. However, even such a slight difference can play a decisive role in the course of a battle. A well-aimed cannon shot will take 630 health units from the enemy and deprive the enemy of the right to win.

Level 10: Т110Е5 (building 254, tower 203)

Т110Е5 - the most armored tank in World of TanksAt the 10th level, the title of the most armored tanks in World of Tanks is shared by representatives of China and the United States. The technique differs only in the characteristics of the firepower of the guns.

The 113th is a worthy opponent for any vehicle class. Its direct hit will take away 530 health of the enemy. The turret armor will be 290 millimeters thick, but the hull is 120 millimeters thick. It is heavier than the T110E5 and therefore slower.

The American, according to professional gamers, can be called not only the most armored, but also the best tank in the game. The thickness of his armor is 254 millimeters, and the damage done is 515 units. Due to its design features, it achieves a decent speed for a heavyweight.

World of Tanks announced the release of a new model of the T110E6 tank in mid-2019. He will soon appear in the gameplay of the game. The developers promised to make it even more powerful than any version ever created.

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