home Food and drink 10 anti aging products that are on sale in any supermarket

10 anti aging products that are on sale in any supermarket

Aging is an inevitable part of human life. The pill for old age has not yet been invented, but the visible and internal manifestations of this process can be reduced if you regularly consume vitamins and certain foods available in any supermarket. But what kind of products they are - we will now tell you.

10. Walnuts

sseauo13A real treasure of vitamins and minerals is hidden under the hard shell of walnuts. Only 100 grams of walnuts can saturate the human body:

  • 8 mcg vitamin A;
  • 0.05 mg beta-carotene;
  • 5.8 mg vitamin C;
  • 77 mg vitamin B9
  • 0.8 mg vitamin B5 and B6;
  • 2.6 mg vitamin E
  • 4.8 mg vitamin PP
  • 2.7 mg vitamin K.

And also iodine, phosphorus, selenium, zinc, magnesium and many other useful substances.

A study in Pennsylvania found that the inclusion of walnuts and walnut oil in the diet reduced both resting blood pressure and blood pressure response to stress.

New York State researchers also found that walnuts help destroy harmful chemicals - free radicals - and may help delay or slow the progression of Alzheimer's.

How many walnuts can you eat per day: daily consumption of 10 pieces of these tasty and healthy nuts will make hair stronger and shinier, strengthen immunity and improve the condition of blood vessels.

9. Broccoli

lcxqd4npResearch from the University of California, Los Angeles has shown that broccoli is the best source of a substance called sulforaphane. It is an organic compound that prevents free radicals from destroying the body.

“Our research shows that a chemical present in broccoli is able to stimulate a wide range of antioxidant defense pathways and may inhibit age-related decline in immune function,” said lead researcher André Nel, MD.

Eating broccoli regularly can protect the immune system from common aging factors such as cardiovascular disease, degenerative joint disease, and diabetes.

Daily dose of broccoli: 200 - 300 grams.

8. Red beans

knbrs45oBeans, literally "stuffed" with protein, fiber, magnesium, potassium and other substances necessary for the human body, is one of the most popular superfoods - a product with numerous health benefits.

Beans are also rich in antioxidants, especially flavonoids, which slow down the aging process. According to a USDA analysis, red beans contain more "proanthocyanidins" than blueberries and cranberries.

It is enough to eat 200-300 grams of beans per day, this provides a third of the recommended daily intake of folate.

7. Pomegranate

c3qzwr4hThese delicious fruits are among the best anti-aging foods because they are a source of powerful antioxidants - anthocyanins and ellagic acid.Eating pomegranate increases the production of nitric oxide in endothelial cells, which may help reduce the risk of heart disease.

According to a study from the University of Illinois, pomegranate may also help prevent breast and prostate cancer and even slow the growth of cancerous tumors. Pomegranate seed oil has also been found to promote skin cell regeneration, reducing the visible effects of skin aging.

The daily norm is 1 pomegranate or 1 liter of pomegranate juice.

6. Garlic

c2fycrhsIn 1994, researchers in Denmark found that human skin cells exposed to garlic extract were healthier and lived longer than normal skin cells.

And a more recent 2006 study found that an antioxidant-rich, aged garlic extract helps prevent heart disease and reduces the risk of dementia and Alzheimer's.

The body will benefit from 1-3 cloves of raw garlic per day. And so that they do not smell from the mouth, we recommend chewing a little parsley, eating an apple or drinking green tea after eating garlic.

5. Yellow, red and orange bell peppers

xhbserztAll sweet peppers are good for rejuvenation. They are a natural source of beta-carotene, which acts as a natural sunscreen and protects your skin from sun damage.

They are also rich in vitamin C, which boosts collagen production in the body. Red, yellow and orange peppers are the richest in antioxidants and are therefore among the best anti-aging foods available in any store.

Just 2-3 bell peppers a day will provide you with a set of vitamins, as well as potassium, calcium and iron.

4. Onions

uag0dwrnWhen onions make us cry, it should be tears of joy, because onions are one of the healthiest foods for the body. It is rich in many nutrients, including vitamin C, which fights skin aging and supports a healthy immune system.

Onions also contain B vitamins, potassium, calcium, antioxidants, and other compounds that fight inflammation and lower triglycerides, so they are good for your heart. Moreover, 70% of all nutrients in onions are preserved even after heat treatment.

Nutritionists advise eating no more than 100 grams of raw or fried onions per day and up to 200 grams of boiled.

3. Tomato

bfpr44goIn second place in the selection of inexpensive and affordable anti-aging products is the familiar tomato. It is rich in vitamin C and lycopene, a carotenoid pigment that protects human skin from the sun's rays and prevents wrinkles by slowing down the breakdown of collagen in the skin.

A healthy person needs 2 to 4 medium sized tomatoes a day.

2. Beets

varrloeuThis inexpensive and modest-looking root vegetable, which is more familiar to us in borscht than as a superfood, has been considered a healing and rejuvenating product in Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese medicine for centuries.

Beets are rich not only in fiber, which improves digestion, but also in betaine, a lipotropic substance that regulates fat metabolism and prevents high blood pressure.

Research shows that beets support heart health, have a diuretic effect and fight inflammation in the body. So even if you don't like beets too much, consider adding at least a small amount to your anti-aging diet!

How many beets can you eat per day: 100-150 in raw or boiled form, or in the form of beetroot juice.

1. Green tea

31g31tdeGreen tea is full of antioxidants - the main enemies of free radicals that damage skin proteins and reduce the protective function of the immune system.

Green tea is especially rich in polyphenols that protect your skin's health and may even reverse the signs of early aging.

One of the largest studies of green tea, with over 40,000 people aged 40 to 79, was conducted in Japan at Tohoku University. It began in 1994 and lasted for 11 years.

The researchers found that people who drank up to 5 cups of green tea daily had a 16% longer lifespan compared to study participants who drank less than one cup. In addition, the risk of heart and vascular diseases decreased by 25% among the "tea-fans".

In order to stay healthy and young as long as possible, it is enough to drink 3-5 small cups of green tea a day.

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