home Medicine 10 best sedatives according to reviews

10 best sedatives according to reviews

Stress, insomnia and heightened anxiety are common "side effects" of modern life. And if they bother you or your child, we will help you choose best sedativewhich has a minimal amount of side effects.

In this ranking, we have collected effective sedatives that have received many good reviews on specialized medical resources such as WebMD and Healthline, and review sites (Otzovik and iRecommend). All are sold over the counter and are ranked according to the ratio of positive to negative reviews.

Sedatives for the nervous system of adults

5. Phytosedan - collection number 2

Average price: 85 rubles.

Phytosedan is a natural sedativeIt is a good sedative with a natural composition, low price and a pronounced herbal taste. The active components of "Fitosedan" are: motherwort, mint, hop cones and licorice root. All of these herbs (with the exception of licorice) are known for their sedative effects. However, licorice is not in vain present in the composition. It has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, tonic properties and is a natural antidepressant.

This collection perfectly helps during premenstrual syndrome, during high psycho-emotional stress and sleep disorders.

According to reviews, it is better to buy the collection "Fitosedan" in filter bags, with them and tinker less, and the taste is not as bitter as the collection "in bulk".

4. Afobazole

Average price: 354 rubles.

AfobazolIt is a synthetic monocomponent preparation. The active ingredient (fabomotizole dihydrochloride) is an anxiolytic, or tranquilizer. The tablets "Afobazol" do not work immediately, but after a few days of regular intake.

The effect comes smoothly and gently, the mood improves, sleep is normalized and, as one of the reviews says, "the head becomes clearer." No drowsiness occurs when taken, and there is no withdrawal syndrome after discontinuation.

3. Theanine

Average price: 441 rubles.

TheanineThe capsules of the drug "Theanine" from the company "Evalar" contain L-theanine. Found in green tea leaves, this amino acid helps fight anxiety that interferes with sleep. A 2007 study found that L-theanine reduced heart rate and immune responses to stress.

  • L-theanine has a close resemblance to glutamate, an excitatory neurotransmitter. However, L-theanine has the opposite effect in the brain. It binds to the same receptors in brain cells as glutamate and blocks them before the onset of arousal effects. It inhibits excessive brain activity and has a calming, relaxing effect in which anxiety disappears.
  • In addition to blocking excitatory stimuli at glutamate receptors in the brain, L-theanine also stimulates the release of the relaxing neurotransmitter GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid). This amino acid prevents mental agitation.
  • Unlike prescription drugs, which are prescribed for stress, L-theanine does not make you sleepy and does not impair fine motor skills. Therefore, "Theanine" can be called the best sedative for those who need calmness and concentration instead of falling asleep quickly.

Of particular interest are studies showing that taking L-theanine supplements can prevent stress-related spikes in blood pressure. In many people, normal resting blood pressure readings are replaced by dangerously high levels during stressful situations. This leads to a sharp deterioration in health and has a bad effect on the condition of the heart and blood vessels.

2. Persen

Average price: 275 rubles.

PersenOne of the fast acting, non-addictive sedatives. Available in the form of tablets and capsules. It contains natural ingredients: extracts of peppermint, valerian and lemon balm.

  • Results from a 2002 study by the Brazilian Federal University of Paraná show that valerian reduces anxiety.
  • Peppermint helps with muscle and headaches, improves digestion and relieves flatulence.
  • Melissa relieves anxiety and improves mood.

Like most other herbal preparations, "Persen" works as long as you take it. Therefore, it can be recommended for adults and adolescents who need to cope with emotional stress and insomnia in a short time, and for a short time (course of admission - a month). People with severe depression or chronic insomnia will need strong sedatives, which may be prescribed by a neurologist or psychiatrist.

1. Novo-passite

Average price: 232 rubles.

Novo-passit is the best sedative for adultsThis product has a rich composition, which includes: extracts of lemon balm, valerian, St. John's wort, hops, elderberry, passionflower (passion flower) and hawthorn.

  • Hawthorn reduces blood pressure, reduces fatigue and reduces symptoms of cardiovascular disease.
  • Elderberry black useful for coughs and respiratory viral diseases. It contains antioxidant flavonoids such as rutin and quacetin.
  • St. John's wort used in medicine to treat various types of depression. It stimulates the production of the "happiness hormone" serotonin.
  • Meat red passionflower helps with anxiety disorders and insomnia.
  • Also in the tablets and solution "Novo-Passit" there is guaifenesin - a drug that has an expectorant (mucolytic) and anti-anxiety effect.
  • Valerian Is a recognized fighter against nervousness, anxiety, sleep disturbances and stress.
  • Melissa Is also a well-known sedative, improves mood, and relieves spasms.
  • Hop improves sleep and normalizes circadian rhythms.

“I take Novo-Passit tablets. It helps me a lot. These miracle pills not only calm, but also reduce the level of anxiety and aggressiveness. Now I fall asleep normally and sleep without waking up until the morning. Has become more tolerant of family members and work colleagues. In general, it is easier for me to live with Novo-Passit. Its composition is completely natural, so it will definitely not be worse from taking it. I and my daughter 12 years old sometimes give it. Also tolerates it very well. "
Marina, Moscow.

Thanks to the perfectly selected composition, "Novo-Passit" is one of the most effective means without addiction, if you need to quickly put your nerves in order. In addition, the list of its indications includes migraine, climacteric syndrome, itchy dermatoses and irritable bowel syndrome.

Sedatives for children

5. Glycine

Average price: 40 rubles.

Glycine for childrenThis amino acid (its other names are aminoethanic acid and aminoacetic acid) is essential for a variety of muscle, cognitive and metabolic functions in the human body. It helps break down and transport nutrients such as glycogen and fat, which will be used by body cells for energy.Without glycine, neither the digestive nor the nervous system will function normally. Some neuropathologists call this substance a “brain vitamin”.

According to research from North Carolina State University, glycine can be used to reduce unpleasant symptoms in people with ulcers, arthritis, leaky gut, diabetes, kidney and heart failure, neurobehavioral disorders, chronic fatigue, and sleep disturbances.

Glycine is not a medicine and, judging by the reviews, has a cumulative effect. It gently and gradually reduces increased excitability, aggressiveness in children, normalizes sleep, improves concentration and can be used during the period of adaptation to new conditions. Glycine tablets can be given even to children under one year old (but only on the recommendation of a pediatrician or neurologist).

4. Magnesium

Average price: 150-210 rubles.

Magnesium for the nervous systemMagnesium is a naturally occurring mineral and essential nutrient for the human body. It has a calming effect on the nervous system and can help normalize sleep.

The recommended daily limit for older children and adults is 350 mg. More is not always better, and taking too much magnesium can cause stomach pain, cramps, diarrhea, and lower blood pressure. The type of magnesium in supplements can also make a big difference. Magnesium supplements are often made by combining magnesium with organics and amino acids to make them more chemically stable and improve absorption. The type of substance that magnesium is mixed with can influence the effects of the supplement.

  • For example, magnesium citrate and magnesium oxide tend to have a laxative effect that a child may not need.
  • Magnesium glycinate has the least laxative effect and may be a good choice for those with sensitive digestive systems.
  • Other common forms of magnesium include magnesium malate, magnesium aspartate, and magnesium threonate.

3. Baiu Bai

Average price: 136 rubles.

Bayu-Bay sleeping pillsThis Russian-made product (Kurortmedservice LLC) is produced in the form of drops and is intended for children from three years old. It contains herbal ingredients: extracts of mint, lemon balm, linden, chamomile and oregano. It also contains magnesium sulfate.

The drops help children fall asleep better and can be used during periods of increased emotional stress (for example, before an exam or important competition). A good night's sleep is vital for mood and normal brain function. Research shows that not getting enough rest can worsen ADHD symptoms in children and adolescents, leading to a loss of emotional control. It can also negatively affect working memory.

For a monthly course "Bayu-Bai" (subject to three times a day) you will need 4 bottles. According to reviews, the bottle does not have a very convenient dispenser.

2. Bath salt Babyline, with chamomile

Average price: 69 rubles.

Babyline bath salt with chamomileChamomile (Matricaria chamomilla, Matricaria recutita) is one of the most popular traditional medicines. It is used to treat a wide variety of childhood ailments, from colds, teething and colic to upset stomach, anxiety and irritability. It is the perfect herb for moody babies and children who cannot calm down to sleep. Taking a bath with sea salt will help relieve itching and irritation from prickly heat and mosquito bites. And chamomile has a relaxing effect and is a good natural antiseptic. Such baths are suitable for children from the first months of life (if there is no objection from the pediatrician), they are easy to use and inexpensive.

Chamomile can be used not only as part of salt baths, but also as an independent remedy. It can be added to tea and drunk with a little honey.However, this honey sedative is suitable for babies over 12 months old to avoid so-called infant botulism.

Chamomile is considered very safe, but because it is a member of the Asteraceae family, it should not be given to someone who is allergic to other plants in this family.

1. Hare

Average price: 233 rubles.

Bunny - the best soothing for childrenThis is a sedative on herbs of Russian production (LLC "Alkoy"). It comes in the form of a syrup and is intended for children aged 3 and older. The Zaychonka contains many natural ingredients: extracts of lemon balm, fennel, oregano, chamomile, thyme and peppermint. It also contains vitamin C, magnesium and vitamin B6, which together reduce anxiety and aggression, and promote healthy sleep. Due to the content of vitamins, the product is excellent for taking in the autumn-winter period.

Reviews of the syrup say that it works well for nervous and poorly sleeping children who are prone to tantrums. However, this product tastes sugary, it contains a lot of sugar and apple-cherry juice. Therefore, "Little Hare" is not suitable for children with diabetes. However, it can be diluted in unsweetened liquid, such as warm water or tea.

Due to the naturalness of the composition, the syrup is stored in the refrigerator for up to 10 days, and you need to take it for 2 weeks. That is, the course of admission will require 2 packages.

“If the situation does not require serious medication, then the Bunny syrup is quite suitable as a mild sedative. After it, the kids do not become lethargic, just the usual activity does not turn into a hurricane. And in the evening - a nice thing, for a good sleep of children and peace of mind of parents. "

Before taking any of the remedies described in the list, it is imperative to consult with a general practitioner. The fact that the drug contains natural ingredients does not mean that it is completely safe for all people.

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