home Medicine Top 10 Amazing DNA Facts

Top 10 Amazing DNA Facts

imageDNA is at the heart of all life on Earth. Deoxyribonucleic acid provides storage, transmission and implementation of everything that is inherent in each of us at the genetic level. Dozens of scientists all over the world devote their time to the study of this unique molecule, constantly making amazing discoveries.

Some of them entered our today's Top 10 Amazing DNA Facts.

10. Each human cell contains 47 DNA molecules

imageBut if the DNA of all cells in our body is "unwound", then they will stretch for 16 billion kilometers. That is, at a distance approximately from the Earth to Pluto and back, or 30 times from the Earth to the Sun, and then back.

9. The human genome is not the longest

imageScientists study the genome of not only animals but also plants. So, the flowering plant Paris japonica from Japan is the owner longest genome - about 150 billion base pairs. Which is about 50 times the established length of the human genome.

8. You can artificially introduce alien genes into the DNA chain

imageSo in 2006, scientists bred piglets that emit a pleasant green glow. To do this, a gene for a protein borrowed from a jellyfish fluorescent with green light was "inserted" into the pig's DNA chain. Moreover, not only the skin of the pigs glows, but also all the internal organs.

7 DNA proves Neanderthals and humans interbred

imageTens of thousands of years ago, two branches of human development unambiguously crossed and produced offspring. Scientists were told about this by a study of the DNA of skeletons found in Italy, whose age is 35-40 thousand years.

6. One person can have two sets of DNA

imageSome pregnancies begin with the development of twins, but gradually one of the embryos "absorbs" the other at a very early stage of development. Resulting people sometimes carry two different sets of DNA.

5.DNA is the world's best storage medium

imageScientists from Harvard managed to "crack" the DNA code and find out that one gram of it can store 700 terabytes of information. To store such a volume on the media we are accustomed to, it would take 150 kg of hard drives.

4. DNA will revolutionize forensics

imageAlready, experts are able to identify a person by the remnants of the so-called "DNA of touch". These marks remain in the fingerprints that criminologists find at the crime scene.

3. Viruses participated in the formation of the human genome

imageAt least 8% of our genome is generated by various viruses. Their genetic code has been integrated into the human one in the course of long millennia of evolution, becoming part of the normal DNA of each of us.

2.DNA Proves That Vikings Discovered America

imageDNA research from four Icelandic families has shown that their genetic code has traits that are characteristic of Native Americans. Consequently, the harsh Vikings brought their wives from the mainland, which was officially discovered centuries later.

1.The DNA of Earth's Outstanding Inhabitants Is Stored in Space

imageIn 2008, the Soyuz spacecraft delivered the "Disc of Immortality" to the ISS, on which the genetic code of earthlings outstanding in a particular area was recorded. For example, the disk contains the digitized DNA of the physicist Stephen Hawking and the Playboy model Joe Garcia. "Disc of Immortality" is designed to help revive humanity in the event of the apocalypse.

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