home People Top 10 most famous accountants

Top 10 most famous accountants

imageThe first mention of the profession of an accountant dates back to 1498 and since that time the world has seen so many talented representatives of such an important business. But among them there are the most famous ones who have fallen into top 10 most famous accountants.

Mikhail Zoshchenko

imageA man of many professions is Mikhail Zoshchenko, who is best known as a representative of classical Russian literature, satirist and playwright. But he also tried himself in the role of an accountant. His achievements put him on this list.

Pierre Cardin

imageThe French fashion designer received the status of a “living legend” during his lifetime. Why Pierre Cardin was included in the list of the most famous not fashion designers, but accountants. The thing is that after receiving his education, he began working in the cosmetic company Vichy.

Allen Carr

imageAllen Carr is internationally renowned for a number of works to combat alcohol, smoking, phobias and obesity. Allen Carr started to provide accounting services at the age of 15 and then, after further training, went to work as an accountant, where he worked for over 20 years.

Alexander Koreiko

imageSurprisingly, the next representative of the top 10 list is made up. This accountant amassed large sums of money through fraud. Due to the interesting fate of the character, he should be included in the top.

Fedor Yezersky

imageThis representative of accounting thought was a Russian beacon, innovator and nugget. He was the first to make the profession interesting not only for men, but also for women.

Simon Petlyura

imageBefore Petliura got into the fire of the civil war, he managed to work in two St. Petersburg companies, for which he was registered here.

Heinrich Schliemann

imageGerman archaeologist who made a lot of fascinating discoveries, who found a valuable treasure with thousands of jewelry. But he started his career as an accountant.


imageMost people know this person as a famous writer. But not everyone knows that he became one when he was in prison, where he was on charges of embezzlement, when he worked as an accountant.

Karl Marx

imageWorld famous philosopher and author of one of most popular books on accounting - "Capital", which is one of the most discussed today.

Alexander Vertinsky

imagePerformances, working as a proofreader in a printing house, selling postcards, bookkeeping - this is how A. Vertinsky earned his living.

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