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Top 10 Cellulite Causing Foods

He is bumpy, edematous and completely ugly. We're talking about cellulite, and if you have it, you're not alone. According to statistics, 93% of women in the world have cellulite.

It is not easy to get these fat deposits to budge even with best home remedies for cellulite, diet and exercise. However, eating too many of the wrong foods that cause cellulite can contribute to its onset.

10. Pizza

3vufdnn3The good news: Hard cheese pizza contains a mouth-watering dose of calcium and protein. Now for the bad news: High levels of saturated fat, refined carbohydrates, and sodium can worsen the appearance of cellulite. Pizza sauce and cheese, the two main ingredients in this dish, can retain water in the body, which makes the skin more dimpled.

If you can't give up pizza, we recommend using an herbal and olive oil sauce and choosing toppings such as chicken, seafood, and vegetables instead of processed meats such as sausage. It can increase the total sodium in the body.

9. Cheese

cbsxcpedAny cheese is rich in sodium. What does cellulite have to do with it? Foods high in sodium such as deli meats, bacon, and cheeses cause water retention. And bloating and excess water can make cellulite more visible.

But if you are as sensitive to cheese as Roquefort from Chip and Dale, try to control your portion size and drink a glass of water after eating the cheese.

8. Sweet snacks and drinks

o2vrgm3vSugar is 99.8% carbohydrates. And if you are sedentary and eat a lot of sugar, it can reduce the amount of collagen in your body, leading to premature aging and sagging skin. So the cellulite will be even more noticeable.

Although sugar is everywhere, especially in processed foods, you can try to cut back on your daily intake by cutting out or cutting back on soda, sweetened yogurt, and desserts. The less sugar in your diet, the more likely your skin will be smoother.

According to the WHO, the daily sugar intake for women is 50 grams per day, for men - 60 grams per day.

7. Refined carbohydrates

wbuyxiq0Pasta, which, in the words of one powerful person, “always cost the same,” as well as potatoes, rice, and white flour products such as bread and crackers, can also cause cellulite.

These high glycemic index foods are broken down by the body into glucose and, as a result, can cause inflammation and spikes in blood sugar. The more of these foods you eat, the worse your cellulite will look.

Try whole grain breads and chickpea and vegetable pasta instead.

6. Rolls and sushi

nzm52ubcFatty ingredients such as mayonnaise and cream sauce are often added to these foods. In addition, white rice contains refined carbohydrates that are not good for your figure.

If you want to continue enjoying these Japanese food, go for the Vegetable and Brown Rice Rolls.

5. Processed meat

ymmdemahProcessed meats like bacon, sausage, ham and sausages can be delicious, but they can also contribute to cellulite on the legs, thighs, and buttocks. And all because of the high sodium content.

Processing means the addition of chemical additives to the product, as well as smoking and salting to improve the taste and extend the shelf life.

Eat lean meats and homemade deli meats to reduce cellulite.

4. Canned soup

nm4zhvu3An easy and quick snack at work or school, however, most canned soups are high in salt. And its excess in the body can lead to water retention and dehydration, which makes cellulite dimples look more pronounced than they really are.

3. BBQ sauce

jqzi2vutWhen you pour barbecue sauce on meat, you probably know that you are adding a little salt to the plate. But did you realize that you are also consuming more than half of your daily sugar intake? That's right: a measly two tablespoons of barbecue sauce contains up to 15 grams of sugar!

Sugar consumption can lead not only to weight gain and, as a result, the appearance of cellulite, but also to a sharp increase in blood sugar levels, forcing the body to produce the hormone insulin.

2. Curd

sexh2y0pWhat's the connection between the curd you buy at the grocery store and the curd dimple on your bottom? Sodium. Despite the fact that curd does not taste salty, a serving in one cup can contain almost 700 milligrams of sodium - more than a third of the daily value for an adult.

Instead of cottage cheese, we recommend eating a jar of Greek yogurt. This product is low in salt and high in protein.

1. Margarine and butter spreads

ou4pf0inDecades ago, scientists discovered that if you put hydrogen into a vegetable oil, it would become solid - and stay that way even at room temperature.

This discovery stimulated the creation of trans fats, which also tend to harden inside the human body, where they clog your arteries, making it difficult for blood and oxygen to circulate. This is not only dangerous for the heart, but can also lead to weakening of the skin tissue, due to which cellulite will appear, and the existing one will become even more pronounced. Dangerous trans fats are usually hidden in low-calorie margarine and butter spreads.

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