home Medicine Top 10 signs and superstitions for a pregnant woman

Top 10 signs and superstitions for a pregnant woman

imagePregnancy is a very important period for every woman. The worries about the child sharpen all the feelings of the expectant mother, who becomes receptive to everything that happens around. Various omens and superstitions, which are often associated specifically with pregnancy, are taken at face value. At the same time, folk observations may look quite serious, but there are also those that cause only a smile.

In this article, we present the most popular superstitions. It's better to just take note of them. It's no secret that all problems come mostly from our heads. Although, our ancestors believed in everything that is written here and, most importantly, they strictly observed.

So, let's start with the most proven superstitions that are really reflected in life.

Superstition # 1. A pregnant woman should not sit in a leg-by-leg position

imageIt is believed that in this case the baby's legs will have excessive curvature after birth. Part of the superstition is medically understandable, but the danger lies elsewhere. Pregnant women often have problems with blood flow in the veins, and such a position can only exacerbate the situation. Of course, this cannot affect the "curvature" of the baby's legs, but certain troubles are quite real.

Superstition # 2. Sleeping on your back during pregnancy is highly undesirable.

imageThis is explained by the fact that the baby may suffocate. Here everything is also quite understandable. When a woman sleeps on her back, the vena cava is strongly compressed. This can lead to poor circulation, hemorrhoids and back pain in the expectant mother.

Superstition # 3. A pregnant woman cannot be denied

imageAlmost everyone knows about this sign. If a woman wants something, her desire must be satisfied. Otherwise, it can lead to complications of childbirth. These requirements are justified, especially in the first few months of pregnancy. During this period, the baby develops and requires everything that he wants. Naturally, bad habits should not be related to wishes.

Superstition # 4. No one should talk about their pregnancy.

imageIn principle, this sign has been known for a long time, and for the first three months women tried not to tell others (and even relatives) that they were pregnant. This made it possible to avoid the evil eye of unkind people. Today, this sign is observed to a greater extent in order to avoid mockery and "winking".

Superstition # 5. For the first 40 days, you cannot show the child (and his photo) to strangers

imageToday there are different opinions in this relationship. Some women go out with their baby practically from the first days of their lives, while others stay at home for several months.It all depends on the characteristics of the child's adaptation to the outside world. It is recommended to give the baby at least a month and a half to adapt and protect him from noise and strangers.

Superstition # 6. You can't buy things for a child before delivery

imageThere are also different opinions regarding this sign. On the one hand, after the birth of a child, there may not be enough time to buy everything you need. It is much more convenient to skimp in advance. On the other hand, I don’t want to “play” with fate and think about something in advance, because the most difficult test (childbirth) is still ahead. But there is no reasonable justification for this superstition.

Superstition # 7. A pregnant woman should not take a bath

imageOf course, a hot bath is highly undesirable for the expectant mother, but a warm bath will not do much harm (at least, this is what doctors say). Exposure to warm water helps relax your back muscles.

Superstition # 8. Do not raise your hands above your head, otherwise the baby will get entangled in the umbilical cord

imageThis sign is true only when a woman lingers in one position for a long time. But the danger lies just not in the umbilical cord, but in the violation of the blood circulation of the pregnant woman.

Superstition # 9. Can't knit

imageIt was believed that (as in the previous case) the child can become entangled in the umbilical cord. But there is no particular danger here. The problem mostly concerns the long stay in a static position.

Superstition # 10. If you eat an egg with a double yolk, then twins or accrete fruits will be born

imageThis sign can be classified as "stupid", because there is no pattern between eating eggs and the characteristics of children.

In any case, whatever the sign, she is categorically not allowed to be close to the heart and sincerely believe in her. Otherwise, it can really be realized.

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