home Ratings The world's most confusing subways

The world's most confusing subways

The most confusing subwaysThe world's first subway line began operations in London in 1890. Today, the metro has become a familiar, convenient and inexpensive transport that allows you to move from end to end of large cities, bypassing traffic jams.

True, not every subway is simple and understandable for passengers. Sometimes it is very difficult to understand the intricacies of branches, stations and directions of movement. Our Top 5 includes the most confusing subways in the world.

5. Paris Metro

imageOne of the oldest and the most beautiful metro in the world has many numbered lines. In order not to mix up the numbers, make a transfer on time and not get lost in the passages, you should be extremely careful.

In addition, some lines have several branches, which create additional difficulties.

4. Berlin underground

imageThe peculiarity of the metro in the German capital is that there each of the main lines has many branches. Trains leave from the same platform in many different directions, so it's easy to get lost.

However, the Berlin authorities are minimizing the risk by placing electronic information boards at each station.

3. Tokyo Metro

imageAt first glance, it is impossible to understand the layout of this metro. In fact, everything is built logically and very pragmatically. Each line has its own color, and at the stations everywhere there are signs dubbed in English. The metro in the capital harmoniously flows into suburban railways.

2. New York subway

imageThis metro is the world's largest in terms of the total length of lines. It is not easy to understand all the principles of the metro operation - there are 29 lines and 25 routes on the map. The routes are marked with letters and numbers, and the lines are named. Train routes may vary by time of day and day of the week.

Since tourists are often confused in the New York subway, there is a special information point at each station, where you can get an exhaustive consultation on the chosen route from the dispatcher by phone for free.

1. London Underground

imageNot only tourists, but also the inhabitants of the British capital are often confused in the intricacies of the world's oldest metro. The difficulty lies, first of all, in the fact that trains can run on the same line in different directions. So the logic we are used to often does not work - if you go to the opposite side of any platform, then the train will not necessarily return the passenger to the previous station.

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