home Medicine The best ways to effectively fight cellulite

The best ways to effectively fight cellulite

The vacation time is coming. So, it's time to pay attention to the imperfections of the figure that have formed over the winter. Most often, the shortage of walking and heavy food "go sideways" in the form of ugly tubercles of subcutaneous fat.

The problem of cellulite is familiar to 9 women out of 10. And many ways have been invented to defeat the insidious enemy of the ideal figure. In today's top ten we represent the best ways to effectively combat cellulite.

10. Drinking liquids

imageTwo liters of water daily will help the body get rid of toxins, improve metabolism and reduce appetite. Therefore, drinking plenty of fluids should form the basis of any program aimed at quickly fighting cellulite.

9. Essential oils

imageA few drops of lemon, grapefruit, or orange essential oil can be added to your regular body cream. Thus, the usual cream will turn into an effective anti-cellulite remedy.

8. Scrubs

imageThe scrub not only cleanses the skin, but also improves metabolic processes due to the intensive massage that we do at the time of application. To fight cellulite, scrubs containing citrus, caffeine, and red pepper are best suited. However, the procedure is contraindicated in the presence of inflammation, as well as skin irritation.

7. Wraps

imageAnti-cellulite wraps can be done not only in the salon. For home use, a mixture of honey with coffee and a few drops of lemon essential oil is suitable. Do not leave the wrap on the skin for longer than 320 minutes.

6. Lymphatic drainage massage

imageSuch massage not only promotes the outflow of stagnant fluids from problem areas, but also improves sleep, relieves stress, and increases the tone of the body. Only a professional should perform lymphatic drainage massage.

5. Anti-cellulite creams

imageThe cosmetics industry offers hundreds of ready-made creams, masks, gels and lotions to combat cellulite. However, it is important to combine the application of these products with active massage and exercise.

4. Honey massage

imageA massage of the thighs and buttocks with warmed honey helps to reduce the appearance of cellulite after 10-14 days. However, the procedure is contraindicated in case of any allergic reactions to bee products.

3. Bath and sauna

imageIn the absence of contraindications, a steam room will become an effective means of combating cellulite. It is good to use an oak broom to remove toxins and increase skin elasticity.

2. Cupping massage

imageMassage of the thighs and buttocks using pharmacy cans helps to warm up the skin, accelerate metabolic processes. For a visible result, 10 procedures are enough. Contraindications are inflammation of the skin, as well as problems with veins.

1. Exercise

imageBest of all, these 10 most effective buttock exercises, exercises on cardiovascular equipment - treadmill, ellipsoid, bicycle. Walking on the buttocks in a sitting position on the floor with legs extended forward also helps. Squats are also good, but they are contraindicated for problems with knee joints.

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