home Cities and countries The most expensive currencies in the world, table of currencies of the countries of the world

The most expensive currencies in the world, table of currencies of the countries of the world

There are over 180 currencies in the modern world. Among them, the most expensive are the currencies of the Middle Eastern oil-producing countries: Kuwait, Bahrain and Oman.

The economy is perhaps one of the most flexible public spheres. It experiences "ups and downs" almost every day, and above all this affects the exchange rate. Jumps on the currency exchange occur hourly, which we, as ordinary people, can observe, for example, in the news. We present to you the world rating of currencies for today in relation to the dollar. Why the dollar? Because it is one of the world's reserve currencies.

In 2017, the most expensive currency in the world is still the Kuwaiti dinar. And the cheapest currency is the Iranian rial.

In relation to the Russian currency, 1 Kuwaiti dinar is equal to approximately 190 rubles, 1 Iranian rial - 0.0017 rubles.

World Currency Rates Table

RankCurrencyThe codeCourse to US $
1Kuwaiti dinarKWD0.3 KWD
2Bahraini dinarBHD0.38 BHD
3Omani rialOMR0.38 OMR
4Jordan dinarJOD0.71 JOD
5British pound sterlingGBP0.75 GBP
6EuroEUR0.83 EUR
7Swiss frankCHF0.96 CHF
8Bermuda dollarBMD1 BMD
9Bahamian DollarBSD1 BSD
10Panama BalboaPAB1 PAB
11Canadian dollarCAD1.22 CAD
12Australian dollarAUD1.24 AUD
13Singapore dollarSGD1.34 SGD
14New Zealand dollarNZD1.37 NZD
15Bosnian markBAM1.63 BAM
16Bulgarian levBGN1.63 BGN
17Aruban guilder (florin)AWG1.79 AWG
18Barbados dollarBBD2 BBD
19Fiji dollarFJD2.02 FJD
20Tunisian dinarTND2.43 TND
21East Caribbean dollarXCD2.7 XCD
22Brazilian realBRL3.13 BRL
23Peruvian Nuevo SolPEN3.23 PEN
24Turkish liraTRY3.43 TRY
25Israeli new shekelILS3.54 ILS
26Polish zlotyPLN3.56 PLN
27Qatari rialQAR3.64 QAR
28United Arab Emirates dirhamAED3.67 AED
29Saudi riyal (rial)SAR3.75 SAR
30Romanian leuRON3.84 RON
31Malaysian ringgitMYR4.2 MYR
32Ghanaian cediGHS4.43 GHS
33Danish kroneDKK6.21 DKK
34Croatian kunaHRK6.23 HRK
36Bolivian bolivianoBOB6.91 BOB
37Guatemalan quetzal (quetzal)GTQ7.29 GTQ
38Hong kong dollarHKD7.78 HKD
39Norwegian kroneNOK7.84 NOK
40Swedish kronaSEK7.97 SEK
41Moroccan dirhamMAD9.33 MAD
42Venezuelan BolivarVEF10 VEF
43Namibian dollarNAD13.05 NAD
44South African randZAR13.05 ZAR
45Seychelles rupeeSCR13.59 SCR
46Maldives rufiyaaMVR15.35 MVR
47Argentine pesoARS17.07 ARS
48Egyptian poundEGP17.66 EGP
49Mexican pesoMXN17.73 MXN
50Moldovan leuMDL18.54 MDL
51Czech crownCZK21.79 CZK
52Ukrainian hryvniaUAH26.02 UAH
53Uruguayan pesoUYU28.78 UYU
54New Taiwan dollarTWD30.02 TWD
55Thai bahtTHB33.07 THB
56Mauritian rupeeMUR33.16 MUR
57Gambian dalasiGMD47.06 GMD
58Dominican pesoDOP47.64 DOP
59Philippine pesoPHP50.95 PHP
60Macedonian denarMKD51.43 MKD
61RubleRUB57.64 RUB
62Indian rupeeINR63.97 INR
63Bangladeshi TakaBDT82.14 BDT
64Serbian dinarRSD99.47 RSD
65French pacific francXPF99.55 XPF
66Nepalese rupeeNPR102.36 NPR
67Kenyan shillingKES102.87 KES
68Pakistani rupeePKR105.35 PKR
69Icelandic kroneISK106.15 ISK
70Japanese yenJPY109.94 JPY
71Jamaican dollarJMD129.38 JMD
72Sri lankan rupeeLKR152.81 LKR
73Hungarian forintHUF256.6 HUF
74Nigerian nairaNGN358.4 NGN
75Syrian poundSYP515.07 SYP
76African Financial Community FrancXOF547.22 XOF
77Frank for Financial Cooperation in Central AfricaXAF548.45 XAF
78Chilean pesoCLP622.02 CLP
79South Korean wonKRW1127.87 KRW
80Lebanese poundLBP1507.5 LBP
81Colombian pesoCOP2907.91 COP
82Malagasy ariaryMGA2965.37 MGA
83Ugandan shillingUGX3598.45 UGX
84Cambodian rielKHR4043.36 KHR
85Paraguay GuaraniPYG5638.21 PYG
86Lao kipLAK8265.88 LAK
87Indonesian rupeeIDR13196.1 IDR
88Vietnamese dongVND22718.9 VND
89Iranian rialIRR33383.2 IRR

The most expensive currencies in the world

5. British pound sterling

British pound sterlingThe pound sterling is the main currency of the UK. Initially, all the English colonies also used pounds, only locally produced, and they differed in appearance. To date, the situation has not changed, and in the former colonial countries of the United Kingdom, they still issue their own pounds, which, however, are not accepted in Great Britain itself. It should be noted that sterling used to be called silver coins, and banknotes appeared only at the end of the 17th century.

4. Jordanian dinar

Jordan dinarThe Jordanian dinar is the official currency of the Kingdom of Jordan in the Middle East. The value of this currency in world economic relations is very difficult to explain even to the most experienced experts. Let's start with the fact that the economy of this country is extremely unstable, and the state itself is poorly provided with resources. Nevertheless, most analysts agree that the value of the dinar is determined by the development of agriculture and the peg to the US dollar.

3. Omani rial

Omani rialThe value of this currency in the world is quite logical and understandable. Oman is a state on the Arabian Peninsula with a very high rate of economic development. Due to the high cost of currency, it is issued in denominations of a quarter or a half rial. Experts also explain this by a strong peg to the US dollar. It is worth noting that the rial rate fluctuates mirrored with the United States dollar.

2. Bahraini dinar

Bahraini dinarThis currency has won its place in the ranking solely thanks to oil sales, as this is the economic-forming factor of Bahrain. Bahrain is located in the Arabian Gulf and has a population of less than a million. As for the interesting facts about this dinar, we only know that its exchange rate has not changed for more than 15 years, which makes it the most stable currency in the world.

1. Kuwaiti dinar

Kuwaiti dinarToday, the Kuwaiti dinar is the most expensive currency in the world. As in the case of the Bahraini dinar, the surge in prices for the Kuwaiti currency is due to the active export of oil and petroleum products. In addition, the sale of oil is the main and only economic base of the country. It should be noted that the Kuwaiti dinar has been in the world circulation since 1996.

Currency exchange rate monitoring can be one of the components of your success in the financial sector. Many people make a pretty good career, making money specifically on currency fluctuations. Tomorrow you may be among them, and this is quite real.

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