home Ratings Rating of the most dangerous aircraft in the world

Rating of the most dangerous aircraft in the world

The latest plane crashes literally shook the world, just like the previous ones. And the question always arises: why do such tragedies occur? So many plane crashes are due to various aircraft malfunctions and this is frightening, so BusinessWeek has compiled a list most dangerous planes in the worldusing the data of the insurance agency. The rating also indicates that a serious problem of the aviation business is that aircraft often end up in the hands of airlines that are not able to provide full technical support.

1. Boeing 737 JT8D


The first 737 Boeings flew as early as 1988, and up to now 517 of these aircraft continue to fly. This despite the fact that he was recognized the most dangerous plane in the world - for 507,500 flight hours with its participation, there is one fatal accident.

2. IL-76


A very common model in the countries of Africa and the former USSR, it was actively used in the war in Afghanistan. Today there are 275 aircraft in service. There is one accident per 549,900 flight hours.

3. Tu-154


Produced since 1971 and was the most massively produced aircraft in the USSR - sometimes up to 5 units rolled off the assembly line per month, 336 aircraft are still flying. Russian pilots nicknamed this plane "Tupolev". This plane was involved in 73 air crashes, i.e. on average one accident per 1,041,000 flight hours.

4. Airbus A310image

Smallest wide-body aircraft, produced since 1983 and 191 are still in operation. However, major airlines have long abandoned the use of this aircraft at their airports. According to statistics, this aircraft is involved in 1 plane crash per 1,067,700 hours


5... McDonnell-Douglas DC-9image

Produced since 1965, since 1997 belongs to Boeing. Of the large carriers, they are used only by Delta Airlines, and also operated by some small companies, in total - 315 aircraft in the world. According to statistics, this aircraft is involved in 1 plane crash per 1,068,700 flight hours.

6. Tu-134image

It has been produced since 1964, but at the moment it does not meet the European requirements for noise level, therefore it is operated domestically in Russia, as well as in the Middle East. Statistically, this aircraft is involved in 1 plane crash per 1,087,600 flight hours.

7. Boeing 727image

This one of most popular airliners in the world, produced since 1963, and 412 aircraft are still in operation. To date, due to the large age of these aircraft, they are used only in third world countries, or for cargo transportation, and large airlines have replaced the 727 with much newer models. According to statistics, this aircraft is involved in 1 plane crash per 2,306,300 flight hours.

8. McDonnell-Douglas MD-80image

Produced in order to replace the DC-9 in the fleet, it is still used by large airlines, including Delta, a total of 923 aircraft in the world. According to statistics, this aircraft is involved in 1 plane crash per 2,332,300 flight hours.

9. McDonnell-Douglas MC-10image

In the 70s, there were a number of accidents involving this aircraft, which led to the development of improvements to the airliner, so this model became safer with age. The last plane crash with this plane happened in 1999, but nevertheless only one airline uses it on regular flights. According to statistics, this aircraft is involved in 1 plane crash per 2,908,800 flight hours.

10. McDonnell-Douglas MD-11image

Has shown not the most successful indicators for fuel use and some other parameters, however, it is one of the the most reliable airliners in the world, the last plane crash with his participation occurred in 1999. The plane is still in the fleets of KLM and Finnair. According to statistics, this aircraft is involved in 1 plane crash per 3,668,800 flight hours.

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