home People The most unexplained human features

The most unexplained human features

For many centuries, sages and scientists have been trying to know the nature of man, his deep essence. It cannot be said that it was completely unsuccessful, because you and I are the descendants of a huge and great intellectual heritage in the form of an infinite number of scientific works and teachings about a person, his psyche, the nature of his motives and actions. However, paradoxically, the seemingly ordinary phenomena, or rather their "root", cannot be explained even by the most experienced experts.

10. Sleep position

Sleep poseIt is quite obvious that during sleep a person unconsciously takes one or another posture. But what makes this unconscious choose this or that position is a mystery, which they have been trying to solve for a very long time, but so far to no avail. There are various theories on this score: some scientists associate the sleep posture with the characteristics of a person's character, while others argue that the posture depends on the specifics of dreams. Be that as it may, they still did not come to a common opinion.

9. Nose picking

Nose pickingFrom childhood, each of us knows that picking our nose is not good. Nevertheless, as aesthetic as this habit was, it turned out to be very useful. Nose picking stimulates the brain, according to one English newspaper. Therefore, perhaps, having got rid of this "bad" habit, you missed the chance to become the second Einstein. Other scientists argue that eating boogers increases immunity. Strong statement. Of course, we will not check it.

8. The habit of kissing

The habit of kissingThere are many different interpretations kiss, but the theory of sexual attraction is, of course, considered traditional. She says that a kiss is a symbolic sign of sexual intercourse. There are also alternative opinions: many believe that a kiss is, first of all, an expression of admiration and respect. However, what actually subconscious goal people pursue, indulging in these lovemaking, is unknown. You've also probably heard that kissing is good for your immune system. Therefore, kiss your health!

7. Superstition

SuperstitionBy their own nature, superstitions are pagan, and can be ecclesiastical. If you look closely, it’s not hard to see that the word superstition consists of 2 words: faith and turmoil. Superstition is a belief in vain (vain, empty, having no true value). The interpretations of superstition are extremely contradictory. Some have a black cat that has run across the road - to success, while others - to a continuous series of misfortunes. The only common sense that can be drawn from this is that all these prejudices are not worth our attention, since psychosomatics can turn life into a real nightmare.

6. Altruism

AltruismWhy do some people with such desperate zeal try to help those in need? Why are many of these people able to give the last thing they have in the name of charity? Psychologists distinguish several factors, but the main one is a special personality structure: some people are much more kind and humane from birth than others, so a low level of egocentricity pushes them to such actions.Other scholars argue that altruism is a way of expressing your deepest feelings and thoughts. But there is still no precise data on what pushes people to impartial and selfless help to their neighbor.

5. Dreams

DreamsWe spend almost one third of our lives in sleep. Most people dream every day, and some dream several times a night. Science has long found out how the process of falling asleep occurs, how the behavior of our body changes during sleep, and many other similar things. However, scientists are very reluctant to talk about the psychology of dreams, citing the fact that it is not their prerogative. However, there are some interesting theories. One of them belongs to Sigmund Freud, who argued that dreams are a reflection of our deepest desires, primarily sexual ones. But uncle Freud, unfortunately, did not bother to explain what dreams mean, the plot of which goes beyond the framework of existing reality.

4. Youthful maximalism

Youthful maximalismThe stage of puberty is one of the most difficult periods in a person's life. No wonder it is also called a turning point. Most adolescents endure it with great difficulty, since this concerns not only physical maturation, but also moral. The pubertal stage (as it is also called) is the period of the formation of the personality of a teenager, the transition to a completely new worldview. Often all this is accompanied by throwing from one extreme to another, nervous breakdowns and conflicts with the environment (especially adults). What is most surprising, none of the animals, even our closest "relatives" of primates, such a phenomenon is observed.

3. Hair in intimate places

Intimate hairThis feature is one of the most inexplicable mysteries of the human body. What is their role and whether it exists at all - this is still unknown to science. Only a few scientists say that this is the strongest genetic inheritance. However, they could not explain this in detail.

2. Laughter

LaughAt first glance, it seems that this is a completely understandable and mediocre human reaction to something funny, and therefore it makes no sense to talk about it. But it’s not that simple. Laughter has very deep roots and is a reflection of personality. No wonder they say, they say, tell me what a person is laughing at, and I will tell you who he is. Indeed, each of us has an individual sense of humor and, most importantly, an absolutely unique laugh. Many scientists say that a person's character can be determined by laughing and laughing. A lot of literature is devoted to such studies.

1. The ability of people to blush with shame

People's ability to blush with shameShame is a powerful emotion, the functional significance of which is to regulate human behavior according to norms. However, in the conditions of modern life, the norms for different people have become different. For some, one behavior seems inconceivable, for others it is in the order of things. And it is precisely by the ability of a person to blush that we can still comprehend his essence. After all, we are not able to hide this oddity. But it is possible to realize who is in front of us: a conscientious or cunning person.

No matter how much the best minds of mankind have fought over these riddles, or tried to give explanations for our peculiarities, definite answers to the questions have not yet been found. After all, man is the most inexplicable and mysterious creature on the planet. And we have a dozen or two more such oddities. However, researchers are not discouraged, but the human race continues to amaze.

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