home Ratings Bank Reliability Rating 2017 (Central Bank data)

Bank Reliability Rating 2017 (Central Bank data)

Top-100 banks in Russia in terms of reliability in the current version of 2017 has undergone changes due to license revocations, reductions and acquisitions, so we present to your attention the updated official rating of banks in terms of reliability according to the Central Bank.At the beginning of 2017, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation updated the statistics and the list of banks in the first places on the website.

›Published updated 2018 ranking. ‹

The methodology for allocating places takes into account reporting data in the form 101, 123, 135, as well as credit ratings from Moody's and Expert RA:

  • Assets
  • Loans issued
  • Contributions

Banks rating by reliability according to the Central Bank for 2017 (Top-100 list)

A placeBankJanuary, 2017, thousand rublesDecember, 2016, thousand rublesDifference,%
1Sberbank of Russia22 683 024 956,0022 606 604 681,000,34
2VTB Bank of Moscow9 462 035 421,009 959 296 564,00-4,99
3Gazprombank5 154 059 526,005 267 761 099,00-2,16
4VTB 243 148 754 529,003 207 540 431,00-1,83
5FC Otkritie2 817 870 773,002 951 554 494,00-4,53
6Rosselkhozbank2 802 482 746,002 760 244 338,001,53
7Alfa Bank2 458 447 294,002 341 836 861,004,98
8National Clearing Center2 310 056 873,002 039 319 172,0013,28
9Credit Bank of Moscow1 454 783 713,001 363 786 529,006,67
10Promsvyazbank1 327 405 045,001 311 290 450,001,23
11UniCredit Bank1 213 680 015,001 283 127 686,00-5,41
12B&N Bank1 165 424 642,001 182 581 108,00-1,45
13Rosbank793 006 467,00783 690 300,001,19
14Raiffeisenbank778 648 690,00833 285 400,00-6,56
15Russia753 410 260,00736 708 248,002,27
16BM-Bank (formerly Bank of Moscow)668 337 277,00680 300 659,00-1,76
17Growth Bank616 462 140,00611 694 091,000,78
18Bank "Saint-Petersburg"608 391 942,00580 771 247,004,76
19Sovcombank554 476 258,00501 337 175,0010,6
20AK Bars465 699 733,00468 132 840,00-0,52
21Uralsib Bank457 565 222,00436 072 633,004,93
22Moscow Regional Bank456 623 501,00477 001 913,00-4,27
23Citibank445 176 146,00425 469 053,004,63
24Russian standard425 819 027,00433 714 418,00-1,82
25Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development419 525 395,00401 873 113,004,39
26National Bank "Trust"372 498 680,00396 047 719,00-5,95
27SMP Bank359 561 868,00354 376 916,001,46
28Ugra324 839 491,00323 280 466,000,48
29Russian Capital320 157 599,00301 193 045,006,3
30All-Russian Regional Development Bank301 398 810,00256 229 769,0017,63
31Svyaz-Bank301 046 915,00326 650 168,00-7,84
32Zenith270 129 983,00262 531 783,002,89
33Absolut Bank267 841 655,00266 840 813,000,38
34Moscow Industrial Bank258 289 271,00263 882 268,00-2,12
35Revival254 315 386,00242 812 689,004,74
36Nordea Bank241 668 210,00250 462 394,00-3,51
37Novikombank239 894 860,00246 730 367,00-2,77
38Express Volga235 757 495,00182 376 076,0029,27
39Home Credit Bank220 988 410,00220 635 904,000,16
40Transcapitalbank (TKB)212 140 738,00218 703 512,00-3
41Globex206 822 444,00226 340 287,00-8,62
42ING Bank202 871 192,00231 070 454,00-12,2
43Orient Express Bank198 450 353,00190 015 493,004,44
44Tinkoff Bank188 167 310,00183 978 857,002,28
45RosEvroBank180 930 400,00188 850 522,00-4,19
46DeltaCredit163 411 085,00161 050 099,001,47
47MTS Bank160 438 153,00182 471 468,00-12,07
48Bank of Savings and Credit Service155 136 343,00131 245 016,0018,2
49Bank Rosgosstrah150 077 490,00155 932 180,00-3,75
50Vanguard149 202 588,00143 069 749,004,29
51OTP Bank144 556 740,00138 639 200,004,27
52SME Bank141 645 902,00120 112 261,0017,93
53Asian-Pacific Bank136 346 501,00145 645 217,00-6,38
54SKB-Bank134 867 029,00127 891 283,005,45
55Post Bank131 590 327,00118 796 367,0010,77
56Surgutneftegazbank131 198 027,00127 826 511,002,64
57Investtorgbank123 220 338,00126 793 407,00-2,82
58Credit Europe Bank121 202 754,00120 496 613,000,59
59National Settlement Depository118 609 748,00119 413 192,00-0,67
60Zapsibkombank118 497 163,00110 490 901,007,25
61Setelem Bank111 074 147,00107 278 053,003,54
62Uniastrum Bank109 135 448,00108 819 048,000,29
63Rusfinance Bank106 096 003,00102 773 151,003,23
64Renaissance Credit105 434 725,00104 185 922,001,2
65Obverse102 633 399,00131 277 071,00-21,82
66Fondservicebank101 573 470,00102 868 477,00-1,26
67Center-invest99 775 285,0099 129 634,000,65
68Tavrichesky91 544 133,0091 530 963,000,01
69Russian National Commercial Bank91 324 917,0080 714 143,0013,15
70Loco-Bank87 656 968,0089 690 174,00-2,27
71Finservice Bank84 911 890,0079 475 666,006,84
72Union84 178 851,0081 483 756,003,31
73Baltinvestbank83 253 758,0080 853 343,002,97
74CentroCredit81 563 756,0088 302 711,00-7,63
75Kuban Credit76 673 654,0075 386 886,001,71
76HSBC Bank (HSBC)74 864 639,0076 357 924,00-1,96
77Baltic Bank72 877 564,0074 898 958,00-2,7
78Metcombank (Kamensk-Uralsky)70 110 506,0067 749 401,003,49
79Roseximbank70 023 798,0055 482 085,0026,21
80Metallinvestbank69 720 796,0064 380 637,008,29
81BNP Paribas Bank69 548 291,0075 664 582,00-8,08
82VUZ-Bank68 430 617,0071 302 665,00-4,03
83Expobank66 936 350,0067 997 117,00-1,56
84International Financial Club65 546 862,0064 562 480,001,52
85Deutsche Bank65 269 950,0088 188 214,00-25,99
86BCS - Investment Bank63 221 819,0062 550 597,001,07
87RN Bank62 503 033,0065 817 884,00-5,04
88Banca Intesa60 131 289,0065 304 076,00-7,92
89Credit Agricole CIB59 719 502,0064 577 864,00-7,52
90Rosenergobank58 799 277,0057 311 388,002,6
91OFK Bank57 276 230,0046 399 061,0023,44
92Education55 850 190,0051 865 153,007,68
93Krayinvestbank54 953 577,0052 508 423,004,66
94SDM-Bank54 841 886,0053 887 051,001,77
95Toyota Bank53 447 538,0051 818 036,003,14
96BFA Bank52 701 576,0062 088 192,00-15,12
97Sotsinvestbank52 386 764,0050 440 052,003,86
98BBR Bank52 195 565,0047 824 875,009,14
99International Bank of St. Petersburg (IBSP)51 892 069,0054 139 462,00-4,15
100ICBC Bank50 166 393,0046 566 041,007,73

Credit rating of reliability "Expert RA"

Bank's nameCredit ratingThe change
Absolut BankA + (III)confirmed
Bank "Avers"A ++confirmed
AvtogradbankB ++downgraded
Bank "Agroros"A (II)confirmed
KB "Agrosoyuz"B ++downgraded
Asian-Pacific BankBdowngraded
ASSET BANKA (I)confirmed
ActiveCapital BankB ++downgraded
Bank "Alexandrovsky"A (III)confirmed
AlmazergienbankA + (III)confirmed
AltaiBusiness BankB ++confirmed
AltaykapitalbankA (II)confirmed
Bank AspectB ++confirmed
KB "Association"A + (III)confirmed
BaikalInvestBankB ++confirmed
Bank AcceptA + (II)confirmed
Bank BKFB ++confirmed
Bank "ZhilFinance"B ++downgraded
Bank of KazanB ++downgraded
Premier Credit BankBdowngraded
Bank "Saratov"B ++assigned
Bank BelVEBA + (III)confirmed
Best Efforts BankA + (I)promoted
BCS BankA (I)assigned
Bratsk ANKBA (II)downgraded
BFA BankA (III)confirmed
Investment Bank "VESTA"A (III)confirmed
VladbiznesbankA (I)confirmed
VneshfinbankA (III)confirmed
KB "Vologzhanin"A (III)confirmed
GazprombankA ++confirmed
GT BankB ++downgraded
Grand Invest BankA (II)confirmed
GUTA-BANKB ++downgraded
Devon CreditA + (III)confirmed
JSCB "Derzhava"A (II)confirmed
J&T BankA (I)downgraded
DonkombankB ++downgraded
Eurasian BankB ++confirmed
Eurasian Investment BankB ++confirmed
JSCB "YENISEI"C +downgraded
ZapsibkombankA + (II)downgraded
JSCB ZarechyeB ++confirmed
Zemsky BankB ++downgraded
IzhkombankA (III)confirmed
InbankA (I)confirmed
JSCB "IRS"B ++downgraded
Kamsky commercial bankA (II)confirmed
KB "URAL RING"B ++confirmed
CranBankB ++confirmed
Credit Ural BankA + (I)confirmed
KredprombankB ++downgraded
KS BANKB ++confirmed
KurskprombankA + (III)confirmed
Bank "Levoberezhny"A + (III)confirmed
MTS BankA (I)assigned
International commercial bankB ++downgraded
Interregional Industrial and Construction BankB +downgraded
Moscow Neftekhimichesky BankA (I)confirmed
Moscow-Paris BankA (III)confirmed
Municipal KamchatprofitbankA (III)confirmed
JSC "National Standard"A (I)confirmed
NBD-BankA + (II)confirmed
Nevsky bankB ++downgraded
NIKO-BANKA (I)promoted
NOVIKOMBANKB ++confirmed
KB "Novopokrovsky"A (III)confirmed
Neklis-BankB ++confirmed
Bank "Pervomaisky"B +downgraded
Plus BankB ++downgraded
Bank "Prime Finance"B +downgraded
ProinvestbankB ++confirmed
ProKommertsBankB ++confirmed
Bank "RESERVE"B ++confirmed
Bank "RESO Credit"A + (III)promoted
Bank Russian CapitalA + (III)confirmed
RNKB BankA (I)confirmed
JSB "Russia"A ++confirmed
ROSEXIMBANKA ++confirmed
Royal Credit BankA (II)confirmed
KB "RTBK"B +downgraded
RUNA-BANKA (III)confirmed
RGS BankA (I)confirmed
RusyugbankA (I)confirmed
RFI BANKB ++confirmed
Bank "Saint-Petersburg"A + (I)downgraded
SDM-BankA + (I)confirmed
BANK SGBA (I)confirmed
Nordic CreditB ++downgraded
JSCB "SVA"B ++confirmed
SIABA (III)confirmed
SIBSOCBANKA (I)confirmed
SMP BankA + (II)confirmed
Bank "Snezhinsky"A (I)confirmed
Bank "Solidarity"B +confirmed
StavropolpromstroybankB ++confirmed
SurgutneftegazbankA + (II)confirmed
Bank "Taatta"A (II)downgraded
TambovcreditprombankA (II)confirmed
TATSOTSBANKA (I)downgraded
TranscapitalbankA + (II)confirmed
TransstroybankA (I)confirmed
UglemetbankB ++assigned
JSCB "URAL FD"A (I)confirmed
UM-bankB ++downgraded
FINAM BankA (II)confirmed
ForBankA (III)confirmed
Khakass Municipal BankA (I)confirmed
ChelindbankA + (I)confirmed
ChelyabinvestbankA + (I)confirmed
ChuvashcreditprombankB ++assigned
Expert BankB ++confirmed
EnergobankA (II)confirmed
EnergotransbankA + (II)confirmed
Yug-InvestbankA (I)confirmed
KB "Unistream"A + (III)confirmed
ABLV BankA + (I)confirmed

The list of the best included ten banks, which together account for 60% of the total assets of the entire banking sector in Russia. Given their special significance for the Russian economy, even in the most difficult times, the Bank of Russia intends to keep them afloat.

10. Promsvyazbank

PromsvyazbankFor the third year (since 2014), Promsvyazbank is among 10 systemically important banks... In terms of assets and deposits, it is in the top 10, but in terms of loans, it is at most in the second ten.The total amount of funds is 1.33 billion rubles.

9. Moscow Credit Bank

Credit Bank of MoscowLet's hope that the failed advertisement about Santa Claus and a bad mother, which caused a storm of indignation at the end of 2016, will not greatly affect the bank's reputation in the eyes of the population. In the meantime, MKB is in the top ten both in terms of assets and loans and deposits. The total amount of assets is 1.45 billion rubles.

8. National Clearing Center

National Clearing CenterA subsidiary of the largest Russian stock exchange holding Moscow Exchange entered the list of key banks on the list of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation only by the beginning of 2017. The main field of activity is clearing in the foreign exchange, commodity, derivatives and precious metals markets. Compared to the previous year, the volume of NCC's assets increased by 13.28% and amounted to 2.3 billion rubles.

7. Alfa-Bank

Alfa BankThe only completely non-state bank, which is one of the banks of particular importance for the Russian economy, is successfully emerging from the crisis of the banking system in all respects. True, users complain about the abundance of imposed services for which complete information is not given. The total amount of assets is 2.5 billion rubles.

6. Rosselkhozbank

RosselkhozbankInitially, "Rosselkhozbank" was planned as a kind of "Sberbank" No. 2, only for agricultural organizations. Its sole shareholder is the Federal Agency for State Property Management. However, according to the rating agencies Moody’s and Fitch, the bank's outlook is rather “negative”. The volume of assets is 2.8 billion rubles.

5. FC Otkritie

FC OtkritieOtkritie represents the holding of the same name, which is one of the largest financial groups in the country - its total assets amount to more than two trillion rubles. FC Otkritie has its own capital of 2.8 billion rubles.

4. VTB 24

VTB 24It is not surprising why VTB 24 is one of the most important, reliable and systemically important banks in Russia - after all, the owner of 61% of its shares is the regulator, the Central Bank. The total amount of assets is 3.14 billion rubles.

3. Gazprombank

GazprombankThe third place in the top 100 banks in Russia in terms of reliability in 2016-2017 is occupied by Gazprombank. As you might guess from the name, it is mainly focused on oil and gas clients, and, judging by the reviews, the service for individuals is not particularly comfortable. The amount of assets is 5.2 billion rubles.

2. VTB (former Bank of Moscow)

VTBOne of the most significant events in the banking sector in 2016 was the takeover of one of the largest banks, Bank of Moscow, by VTB Bank. Despite the problems after the redistribution of shares in the Bank of Moscow, which necessitated the assistance of the Deposit Insurance Agency, in general, this operation looks profitable for VTB. 2017 is expected to put everything in its place. The total amount of assets is 9.5 billion rubles.

1. Sberbank of Russia

Sberbank of RussiaThe first position in the rating of banks reliability in 2017 according to the Central Bank It is, of course, occupied by Sberbank - the permanent leader for many years. The heir to the savings banks of the USSR, founded in 1922, lives and flourishes - at the moment he continues to be the undisputed leader of the banking industry, whose share in the total assets of all banks is slightly less than a third. Despite the harshness towards clients, it continues to be a good option for those who value the reliability of deposits above all else. The total amount of financial capital as of January 2017 exceeds 22 billion rubles. Is also the most reliable bank in Russia according to Forbes.

List of banks deprived of licenses in 2017

Bulgar Bank JSCYaroslavl19921917
LLC "Commercial Bank" Uniastrum Bank "Moscow19942771
LLC "Siberian Bank" Sirius "Omsk20123506
PJSC "Joint-Stock Commercial Bank" Novatsiya "Maykop1992840
LLC "Commercial Bank" Talmenka-Bank "Barnaul1990826
PJSC "Joint-Stock Commercial Bank" Yenisei "Krasnoyarsk1990474
JSC "Joint Stock Commercial Bank" North-West 1 Alliance Bank "St. Petersburg1990766
JSC Bank GPB-IpotekaMoscow19932403
PJSC "Tatfondbank"Kazan19943058
PJSC "IntechBank"Kazan19942705
JSC "Ankor Savings Bank"Kazan1992889
LLC "Commercial Bank" Interregional Postal Bank "Moscow19943171
JSC "Trade City Bank"Moscow19943180
JSC "Bank Economic Union"Moscow2798
PJSC "Commercial Bank" Oil Alliance "Moscow19942759
B&N Bank Capital JSCMoscow19943052
JSC "Metallurgical Commercial Bank"Cherepovets1990901
LLC "Tatarstan Agrarian-Industrial Bank"Kazan1990728
JSC "Commercial Bank" Rosenergobank "Moscow19922211
JSC "Joint Stock Commercial Innovation Bank" Education "Moscow19911521
JSC "Joint-Stock Commercial Bank" Finars Bank "Moscow19942938
LLC "Vladimirsky Industrial Bank"Vladimir1990870
LLC "Commercial Bank" International Construction Bank "Moscow20083484
SIBES JSCOmsk1993208
PJSC "Bashkir Industrial Bank"Ufa19901006
PJSC "Bank Baltic Financial Agency"St. Petersburg19943038
LLC "Commercial Bank for Promotion of Trade and Supply" Informprogress "Moscow19922166
JSCB "Intercoopbank" OJSCMoscow19942803
PJSC "Non-bank credit organization" IR-Credit "Moscow19921274-K
LLC "International Commercial Bank for Investment and Technology Development (Center)"Petrozavodsk19942677
Ivy Bank JSCMoscow19922055
JSC "Settlement non-bank credit organization" Feedbackback "Moscow20113502-K
JSC "Non-Bank Credit Organization" Settlement Financial House "St. Petersburg20023430-K
LLC "Commercial Bank" Moscow National Investment Bank "Moscow19943181
JSC "Joint-Stock Commercial Bank" Legion "Moscow19943117
LLC "Steel Bank"Moscow19932248
PJSC Bank Premier CreditMoscow19911663
PJSC Bank YugraMoscow1990880
JSC Bank "Reserve"Chelyabinsk19932364
Northeast AllianceMoscow19942768

Level of trust in banks, NAFI survey

Percentage of respondents who answered “completely trust” and “rather trust” to the question “How much do you trust banking organizations?”.
An initiative all-Russian survey by NAFI was conducted in July 2017. 1600 people were interviewed in 140 settlements in 42 regions of Russia. Age: 18 and over. The statistical error does not exceed 3.4%.

07/18/2017 - The regulator revoked the right to carry out banking activities of PJSC Bank Yugra (No. 880).
08/09/2017 - The list of banks with revoked licenses has been updated, JSC Bank Reserve (No. 2364) has been added to the list.
08/29/2017 - information on banks North-Eastern Alliance, Riabank has been added.
09/08/2017 - the results of the NAFI polls on public confidence in banks have been added.


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