home Ratings 10 worst countries for women

10 worst countries for women

In 2015, world leaders agreed on the need to end all forms of violence and discrimination against women and girls by 2030. But good intentions remain on paper for now. According to the latest data, at least one in three women experiences physical or sexual violence during their lifetime.

Early marriage, teenage pregnancies that, in addition to health problems, lead to inability to get an education and decent work, lack of access to health care, unpaid work, and violence and trafficking in women - all these categories make the life of women in some countries miserable. On this basis Thomson Reuters Foundation has compiled a list of 10 countries where it is better not to be born as a woman.

10. USA

lqaro1btThe United States is the only Western country in the top ten of the anti-ranking worst countries for women. She owes this to the condescension with which the authorities look at rapists, lovers of forcing sex, and also practicing harassment.

The fact that the survey was conducted at the height of the #MeToo campaign also played a role, when it turned out that Harvey Weinstein (and not only) had been forcing women to have sex for decades, taking advantage of his position in society, and everyone turned a blind eye to it.

9. Nigeria

3uxre1i5For nine years now, Nigeria has been in a state of civil war - the military is fighting against Islamist groups. But the fact that this country is one of the ten most dangerous states for women in 2018 is not only to blame for the war. In Nigeria, local tribal practices with an Islamic flavor are widespread and pose a threat to the health and lives of women. Also, pimps from richer countries are massively doing business in Nigerian women, forcing them to engage in prostitution in other countries.

8. Yemen

tczd4ovoFor three years, the territory of Yemen has served as a platform for the collision of interests of Saudi Arabia and Iran. During these three years, more than 10 thousand people were killed, more than three million were forced to leave their usual habitats, and nothing separates Yemen itself from mass starvation.

They are trying to save money on women in Yemen in the first place, limiting (more usual) their access to health care, economic resources, and also exposing them to crippling tribal practices.

7. Democratic Republic of the Congo

jlau2l2nThe prevalence of sexual violence in Congo is one of the highest in the world. The eastern part of the country has been dubbed the "capital of rape of the world", while the rest of the population perceives violence against women as the norm.

Military groups kidnap women and girls and enslave them, and civilian rape has increased 17 times. If we add to this the restrictions on education, work and medical services, it becomes clear that it is better not to be born a woman in the Congo.

6. Pakistan

3ywegk4aPakistan ranks sixth in the list of the most dangerous countries for women. He is infamous for the so-called "honor killings" - when women pay for the crimes of men with their lives. One in three Pakistani women experiences domestic violence (and it is believed that this figure is still underestimated). Also, Pakistani women are limited in the right to education, work and medical care.

5. Saudi Arabia

gfgxp1hkDespite the external prosperity, being a woman in Saudi Arabia is not sweet. The conservative kingdom restricts women in many areas, including job opportunities, the right to education, and property, thereby virtually preventing them from earning a living.

Women are forced to ask permission from male relatives to travel abroad, get married, and so on. Over the past few years, the government has been trying to increase the number of women working, finally allowing ladies to drive, and at the same time arresting and imprisoning activists.

4. Somalia

cvm5z2deA poverty-stricken country located on the peninsula of the same name on the African continent, since 1991, has been drawn into a civil war. Many groups are fighting for power in Somalia - from the Mujahideen Islamist to the self-proclaimed tribal formations. The situation is aggravated by persistent droughts and the resulting famine.

The fate of being born a woman in Somalia can only be desired by the enemy. Aside from the ugly tribal practices, their access to food, water and housing is even lower than that of men.

3. Syria

snjomvvnAfter seven years of civil war (the victims of which were about 510 thousand people), 5.5 million Syrians emigrated to neighboring countries, and 6.1 million remaining at home (out of 18 million population) are forced to leave their homes and live as refugees.

It is not surprising that in such a country it is dangerous to be a woman - they are subjected to violence both at home, from relatives, and outside, from the military and gangs.

2. Afghanistan

eodpj5gcAlmost 17 years have passed since the fall of the Taliban, but the situation for women in Afghanistan has not improved. Women are victims of clashes between gangsters, domestic violence, virtually no access to health care, and discrimination in employment and land ownership.

The Afghan state does nothing to ensure that those who commit violence against women are prosecuted.

1. India

ytgymnbyIt turns out that a country where everyone dances and sings has a different face - and it is much less attractive. India has been firmly positioned as the worst country for women for years.

Being born in India as a woman is at high risk for harassment and sexual abuse. There are still high chances of becoming a victim of any cultural or historical custom, up to and including death. I would like to believe that the state of affairs is changing, given the protest demonstrations that swept across the cities of the country after the murder of a student in New Delhi in 2012. However, the number of rapes in India is increasing from year to year, and the government of Narendra Modi is doing nothing to protect its citizens.

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